联合国秘书长亲赴中国常驻联合国代表团悼念汶川大地震遇难者 |
2008-05-19 00:00 |
2008年5月19日上午,联合国秘书长潘基文专程来到中国常驻联合国代表团,悼念四川汶川“5.12”地震遇难者。潘对我地震遇难者鞠躬默哀,并请王光亚大使转达他及联合国秘书处全体人员对遇难者家属的慰问。 潘基文在中国常驻联合国代表团的吊唁簿上留言表示:“China's loss is greater than many of the world can fathom. The international community stands behind the great people of China in the face of this massive tragedy. Your strength, resilience and courage have profoundly impressed the world. The whole U.N. system and family stand behind you, China at this time of challenge.” 潘基文还用中文写道:“哀悼罹难的中国人民。”