Remarks by Ambassador Geng Shuang at the UN General Assembly Fourth Committee General Debate on Decolonization Items

2024-10-17 11:52  Print


The Chinese delegation congratulates you and the other Bureau members on your election and will actively support you in your endeavors. China also appreciates the outgoing Bureau for its work. China aligns itself with the statement by Venezuela on behalf of the Group of Friends in Defense of the Charter of the United Nations. 


Historically, colonialism has led to wars, conflicts, and exploitation, brutality inflicted untold sufferings on many developing countries, and caused countless human tragedies. At that time, a few Western countries carried out colonial rule, engaged in the slave trade, plundered resources and wealth, and committed numerous crimes. Up to this day, the world we live in has not yet emerged from the shadow of colonialism, which still exists in the form of hegemonism and power politics, among others. It is weighing down the development of developing countries and affecting normal economic, trade, social, and cultural exchanges between states. 

Currently, unjust and unreasonable factors remain in the international order, making true equality still elusive for the vast number of developing countries in terms of rules, opportunities, and power, all of which are manifestations of the lingering historical consequences of colonialism. China strongly calls on the international community to jointly get rid of the evils of colonialism, eliminate its pernicious legacy, uphold international fairness and justice, and promote the establishment of a more just and reasonable international order. 


China welcomes the resolution adopted by the Special Committee on Decolonization entitled “eradicating colonialism in all its forms and manifestations”, which is of great realistic significance for fulfiling the UN’s cause of decolonization and eliminating the evil legacy of colonialism. We look forward to its adoption by the Fourth Committee. 

China supports continuing the decolonization process of the 17 NSGTs and the efforts of their peoples towards their right to self-determination, and calls on the administering powers to take effective measures to promote development, safeguard human rights, and protect the environment of these territories. China urges those countries that used to pursue or benefit from colonialism to show political will, shoulder their historical liabilities, compensate for the consequences of colonialism, abandon the colonial mentality, stop pursuing hegemonism and power politics, and cease harming the interests of other countries and interfering in their internal affairs.


The question of the Malvinas Islands is a historical legacy of colonialism. China’s position on this question is consistent and clear. We firmly support Argentina’s legitimate claim to sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, and have always advocated the settlement of territorial disputes between states in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and through peaceful negotiations. We urge the UK to respond positively to Argentina’s request to resume dialogue and negotiations at an early date and to find a peaceful, just, and lasting solution in line with the relevant UN resolutions.

I thank you, Chair.