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Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing, Chargé d'Affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations, at the UN General Assembly Meeting on the Use of Veto

2024-04-08 12:00

Mr. President, 

On March 22, China together with Algeria and Russia voted against the draft resolution of the situation in Gaza submitted by the United States. China's decision was based on the needs to uphold international justice, the purposes and dignity of the UN Charter, and the responsibility and authority of the Security Council. It also took fully into account the grave concerns and strong dissatisfaction of the Arab states with the draft resolution. 

Since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict, the international community has been calling overwhelmingly for a ceasefire and an end to the fighting, urgently expecting the Security Council to take concrete actions. However, the United States, as a country with significant influence over the party concerned, has repeatedly obstructed the Council's voice on a ceasefire and has vetoed four times against the Council's efforts to promote an immediate ceasefire. Afterwards, the United States submitted a draft resolution, only to play with words and be ambiguous on the core issue of ceasefire, holding the Council hostage to endorse its erroneous policy by setting preconditions for a ceasefire. The US draft resolution deviates from the consensus of the Council members and runs counter to the expectations of the international community. If adopted, it will mean that the killings in Gaza will continue. It will mean that the vicious act of violating international law and international humanitarian law will continue. China has no hesitation in exercising its veto against a draft resolution that will have such serious consequences. As a permanent member of the Security Council, China has stepped up to shoulder its responsibilities and won the broad support of the international community. 

Facts have proven that it was because of China and relevant countries’ adherence to principles, justice, and resolute exercise of vetoes, that the United States has eventually realized that it cannot and is no longer able to continue to stop the Security Council for moving in the right direction and taking crucial steps. This has cleared the way for the Council’s subsequent adoption of Resolution 2728, which was proposed by 10 elected members calling for an immediate ceasefire. China's exercise of veto is consistent with the efforts made by the overwhelming majority of the Council members and can stand the test of history. 

Mr. President, 

Resolution 2728 is the first resolution adopted by the Security Council more than five months after the outbreak of the Gaza conflict that explicitly calls for an immediate ceasefire. Its full implementation is the most urgent task right now. The Council's resolutions are binding and must be fully implemented. This is an obligation under the UN Charter and the commitment made by all countries when joining the United Nations. It is unquestionable, and not to be challenged. Unbelievably, the minute Resolution 2728 was adopted, the representative of the United States claimed that it was not binding. The actions and words by the United States should not come from a permanent member of the Security Council. They are blasphemy of its responsibilities as a member of the Security Council and seriously undermine the authority and credibility of the Security Council. 

We hereby urge Israel to seriously fulfill its obligations as a UN member state and effectively comply with the resolutions of the Security Council. Israel must immediately cease its military attacks on Gaza and the collective punishment of the people of Gaza. The blockade of Gaza and man-made obstacles to humanitarian access must be immediately lifted, with all land crossings fully open. 

We hereby urge the United States as a permanent member of the Security Council to effectively shoulder its responsibilities, uphold the authority of the Security Council, implement in good faith Security Council Resolution 2728 and promote the resolution’s implementation by Israel as well. We support the Security Council in taking further necessary actions in the light of developments of the situation. 

We are also deeply concerned that if the Security Council's resolutions are not implemented in a timely and effective manner and the Gaza conflicts continue to drag on, its negative spillover effect will further intensify. China strongly condemns the recent airstrikes on Iranian diplomatic premises in Syria. Such an attack on a diplomatic institution is a flagrant violation of international law. It is not only entirely unacceptable, but will also greatly increase the risk of regional situations spiraling out of control.

Mr. President, 

The essence of the Palestinian-Israeli issue is that the two-State solution has not been realized. China supports Palestine in becoming a full member of the United Nations. Palestine has requested the Security Council to resume consideration of its application, and China supports swift actions by the Council on this matter. 

Thank you, Mr. President.

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