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Statement by Ambassador WU Haitao at the 72nd Session of the General Assembly on Agenda Item "Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"

2017-11-10 20:35

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation welcomes the report presented by Mr. Yukiya Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), on the work of the Agency.

Over the past year, the IAEA has effectively fulfilled its obligations under the Statute and made positive progress in promoting the use of nuclear energy and nuclear technology, strengthening nuclear safety and nuclear security, and maintaining nuclear non-proliferation. China appreciates the hard work done by the Agency.

At present, global nuclear energy keeps a growing momentum. Against the backdrop of the adoption of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the entry into force of the Paris Agreement on climate change, nuclear energy is expected to play an increasingly important role in ensuring energy supply, mitigating climate change and achieving sustainable development. The application of nuclear technology in promoting economic development and serving human health has become increasingly widespread. However, at the same time, the international nuclear non-proliferation situation is severe, and the nuclear safety still needs to be strengthened while the nuclear security risks keep on the rise. The global nuclear governance still has a long way to go and remains to be an arduous task. China hopes that the Agency would focus on the following aspects in its future work:

First, to enhance the universality, effectiveness and fairness of its safeguards system. The international nuclear non-proliferation regime faces daunting challenges as some states still haven't acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The establishment of the WMD free zone in the Middle East remains deadlocked. The Agency should continue to enhance the universality and effectiveness of its safeguards system on the basis of ensuring impartiality and objectiveness and conducting full consultation with member states. We hope that the IAEA Secretariat continue its dialogue and communication with member states on the implementation of safeguards at the state level.

Second, to promote the application of nuclear energy and nuclear technology, and increase assistance to the developing countries. China encourages the Agency to advance and coordinate the nuclear technical exchanges and cooperation by increasing its investment of resources and taking full account of the demand of the developing countries, in order to help member states achieve the sustainable development goals and share the benefits of peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Third, to play the core role in strengthening the global nuclear safety and nuclear security. China supports the Agency to continue promoting the implementation of its Nuclear Safety Standards and Nuclear Security Guidelines, strengthening peer review service, facilitating the capacity building of member states, so as to increase the international nuclear safety and nuclear security level. The Agency should continue to keep abreast of and assess the follow-up handling of the Fukushima Daiichi accident, and make timely reports to the member states.

Fourth, to uphold an impartial and objective stance and continue to help address regional hot-spot nuclear issues. China appreciates the efforts made by Agency in facilitating the implementation of JCPOA, and supports the fulfilment of its monitoring and verification mandate. China also supports the Agency to play its due role of monitoring the DPRK's nuclear activities according to its mandate.

Mr. Chairman,

In its nuclear energy development, China has always adhered to the sensible, coordinated and balanced approach to nuclear security brought forth by President Xi Jinping. Currently, we are fully implementing the practical initiatives put forward by President Xi at the Washington Nuclear Security Summit. China recently promulgated the Nuclear Safety Law, which will provide strong support for the safe and sustainable development of nuclear energy in China. A Transit Agreement for LEU Bank was signed between China and IAEA last April, which will contribute to the successful operation of the LEU Bank. Besides, China has cooperated closely with the Agency, Ghana, the United States and several other countries and has successfully completed the Ghana MNSR LEU Conversion Project by the end of last August. China is willing to continue to assist Nigeria and others on MNSR conversion based on the Ghana model. By making full use of the Center of Excellence on Nuclear Security and Custom Training Center for Radiation Detection, China is ready to work with all sides on more exchange and training programs, to provide more public goods for the rest of the world.

Mr. Chairman,

“Atom for peace and development” is the motto of the Agency. Taking this motto as our own goal, China would like to continue its close cooperation with the Agency in various respects, making unremitting efforts to promote peaceful uses of nuclear energy and contributing to world peace, prosperity and development.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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