On April 24, the Security Council took action on the draft resolution on outer space security proposed by the US and Japan and the amendment to the draft resolution proposed by Russia and China. The draft resolution and amendment were not adopted. Ambassador Fu Cong attended the meeting and delivered the following remarks.
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Fu Cong on the amendment proposed by Russia and China to the UN Security Council Draft Resolution on Outer Space Security
Outer space is a global commons that bears on the security and well-being of all humankind. In recent years, threats and challenges to outer space security have been increasing, and the risk of the weaponization of outer space has been on the rise. Preventing an arms race in outer space and ensuring its use for peaceful purposes is a priority and urgent task of the international community.
Outer space security is of vital interest to the 193 member States. It is also a highly technical and specialized issue. China has always advocated that discussions dedicated to this issue should be held on platforms such as the Conference on Disarmament, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, and the First Committee of the GA, among others. This is in line with the division of labor and the respective mandates among UN bodies. It is also conducive to safeguarding the general membership’s right to participate in deliberations on an equal footing.
Meanwhile, taking into account the linkage between the issue of outer space security and the maintenance of international peace and security, as well as the strong will of some members, China has participated in a constructive spirit in the discussions and consultations of the Council on this issue. In this process, we have always maintained that as the Council considers the issue of outer space security and proposes to take actions, it should pay attention to and reflect the general concerns and voices of the international community. It should accommodate the views of all parties as much as possible and strive for consensus, so as to support and and complement the discussions on the relevant platforms. China agrees with the content of the current Council draft relating to 1967 Outer Space Treaty. However, these elements represent only one aspect of the governance of outer space security, and the draft should be supplemented with other substantive elements.
Based on the GA resolutions on outer space in recent years, we have made proposals to amend the draft resolution, proposing the inclusion of such elements as calling upon all states to take measures to prevent the placement of weapons in outer space and the early elaboration of legally binding multilateral agreements. I would like to point out that the amendment is not a new text, but elements from a GA resolution supported by over two-thirds of member states. I believe that the incorporation and adoption of the amendment will make the current draft more complete, comprehensive, and balanced. China calls on all members to vote in favor of the amendment.
I thank you, President.
Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Fu Cong on the UN Security Council Draft Resolution on Outer Space Security
The first artificial satellite was launched by mankind 67 years ago, which marks the start of a long journey in the exploration and use of outer space. Today, outer space has become a global commons where the interests of all countries are intertwined with a common stake. Ensuring that outer space is used for peaceful purposes, preventing the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space, and avoiding the outer space turning into a new battlefield have become the strong call and shared consensus of the international community.
Over the past decades, the international community has made unremitting efforts to realize the aforementioned goals by formulating international legal instruments such as the Outer Space Treaty, adopting a number of UNGA resolutions on outer space security, and conducting extensive technical discussions under the framework of the Conference on Disarmament, the Disarmament Commission, the First Committee of the General Assembly, Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the GGE and OEWG on outer space security among others. During relevant deliberative processes, it has been generally recognized that current security threats to outer space include both the possible placement of weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, and the placement of other types of weapons in outer space. Also, a certain country has defined outer space as a theater of war, accelerating its built up of military forces in outer space and creating military alliances in outer space. In the context of all these threats, only by opposing loud and clear an arms race in outer space of promoting the negotiation and conclusion of a new legally binding instrument on arms control in outer space, can we then effectively sustain the security of outer space. This is the universal call of the vast majority of member states, especially developing countries.
As Council members work together to advance outer space security governance, efforts should be made to demonstrate goodwill, enhance mutual trust, and promote cooperation, instead of suspecting, criticizing, blaming each other, or stoking confrontation. The main sponsors should value and take on board reasonable suggestions made by other Council members, so as to facilitate a consensus on the draft resolution. Rushing the Council into taking actions when the parties clearly remain divided will only lead to a divided Council, undermine the Council's authority, and compromise the mutual trust and cooperation among the parties on outer space security.
To make the draft text more complete, comprehensive, and balanced, China, together with Russia, tabled an amendment to the text. Regrettably, the amendment was not adopted. The draft resolution that was just voted on is incomplete and unbalanced, and does not reflect to the fullest extent the common interests and the shared call of the 193 member states on the issue of outer space security. Therefore, China had to abstain from the vote on the draft resolution.
Just now, the US Representative made a groundless accusation against China. We firmly oppose such an attack. I would like to emphasize that if the US and Japan were truly committed to advancing the Council's constructive deliberations on outer space security, then they should focus squarely on the risks of outer space being weaponized and the potential arms race in outer space, and they should unequivocally stand for the prohibition of the placement of all types of weapons, including nuclear weapons, in outer space. The US should stop its development and deployment of offensive weapons in outer space, change its negative attitude towards the negotiation of a legally binding instrument on arms control in outer space and get engaged actively in the discussions at the Conference on Disarmament and First Committee of UNGA.
Outer space is not the private property of a few countries, but the common asset of all humankind. It is not an arena for countries to fight each other, but a new frontier for mutually beneficial cooperation. The international community needs to act on the vision of common comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, pursue cooperation in outer space on the basis of equality, mutual benefit, openness, and inclusivity, and ensure that the right of all countries to the peaceful exploration and use of outer space is fully guaranteed, with a view to building a community with a shared future for humankind in the field of outer space. At the same time, continued efforts should be made to prevent the weaponization of and an arms race in outer space, start without delay negotiations on an international legally binding instrument on arms control in outer space, and ensure that outer space is a peaceful space that can be used for the benefit of all member states and all humankind. In this regard, major space technology countries should play a leading and exemplary role.
Let me reiterate that China has always been committed to the peaceful use of outer space and has been cooperating extensively with the international community. China will continue to work hand in hand with other countries to promote the peaceful uses of outer space for the sake of global economic development and social progress, thus making greater contributions to the building of a community with a shared future for humankind.
Thank you, President.