Mr. Chairman,
The promotion of the peace process and the realization of peace and stability in the Middle East serve the interests of the people in the region and bear on world security.
As a permanent member of the Security Council, China always follows closely the development of the situation in the Middle East and works vigorously to facilitate and promote the peace process. Through bilateral and multilateral channels and in many different ways, China has always advocated peace talks, urging Israel and Palestine to resolve their territorial disputes through political negotiations.
China supports any international effort that helps ease tension in the region and believes that the UN, the Security Council in particular, should play an active role in the Middle East peace process. China calls upon the parties concerned to seek a solution to the Middle East questions through peaceful negotiations in the spirit of reconciliation. China stands against any terrorist activities and extremist violence against civilians. The parties concerned should implement the agreements and common understandings reached on the basis of the UN resolutions and the principle of “land for peace”. China hopes that the parties concerned continue to establish mutual trust and reinvigorate peace talks, to restart “Road Map” Peace Plan in order to seek the realization of comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.
Mr. Chairman,
Establishment of a zone free of nuclear weapons and other WMDs in the Middle East will contribute not only to creating a political climate of trust and reconciliation and promoting the peace process, but also to strengthening the international non-proliferation regime.
China supports the efforts made by Middle East countries to establish a zone free of nuclear weapons and other WMDs through voluntary consultations and agreement. The UN resolutions on the Middle East Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and the provisions of the resolution on the Middle East issue adopted by the 1995 NPT Review Conference should be abided by and implemented.
China appreciates and supports the positive measures taken by Middle East countries that are conducive to the realization of a zone free of nuclear weapons in the region. The decision by Libya to abandon its WMD programs including the nuclear weapon program is a remarkable achievement of international efforts in preventing the proliferation of nuclear weapons through peaceful means, and is conducive to maintaining the international non-proliferation regime and underpinning regional peace and stability.
Israel should immediately accede to the NPT and place all its nuclear facilities under the IAEA’s full-scope safeguards. This will be of great significance for promoting universality of the NPT in the Middle East and strengthening the international non-proliferation regime.
In accordance with the Final Document of the 2000 NPT Review Conference, the Chinese Delegation has submitted to this Review Conference a report on the measures taken by China to promote the Middle East peace process and the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region, as contained in the document NPT/CONF.2005/25.
China stands ready to continue to work together with other countries to realize peace and establish a zone free of nuclear weapons and other WMDs in the Middle East.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.