Mr. Chairman,
At the outset, I thank H.E.MR Hector Timerman, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, for coming to New York to chair today's informal dialogue and welcome Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to this meeting. Group of 77 and China have vigorously promoted the development agenda of the United Nations, firmly upheld the important role played by the UN in global governance, and supported the Secretary-General's efforts to push for the United Nations to make progress in maintaining peace, promoting development and protecting human rights.
At present, the world economic recovery is both unstable and imbalanced. Global challenges such as climate change, energy security and food security remain pronounced. The turmoil in the Middle East and Northern Africa has driven up oil prices. Developing countries, especially the least developed countries, are faced with the daunting tasks of growing their economies, eradicating poverty, achieving the MDGs and tackling climate change. Against such a background, we hope the Secretary-General will focus his attention on the following areas:
The Fourth UN Conference on the LDCs will be held in Istanbul in May this year. Supporting the development of the LDCs has become the common consensus and firm commitment of the international community. The outcome of this conference will have a direct bearing on whether the LDCs will achieve the MDGs as scheduled in five years. We hope the Secretary-General will follow closely the proceeding of the conference, encourage parties concerned to reach agreement on the outcome at an early date, and increase support for the LDCs.
The year 2011 will be a critical year for the preparation of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development. The second Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting will be held next week. Right now,parties remain seriously divided over green economy and the institutional framework for
sustainable development. China appreciates the efforts of the Secretary-General to make sustainable development one of the priorities for this year. We hope the high-level panel of the Secretary-General on sustainable development will fully heed the views of developing countries, make objective analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of green economy, particular its impact on developing countries, and work on proposals and recommendations that will help developing countries overcome their difficulties and challenges.
Given the multiple challenges facing the world today, the United Nations has a crucial role to play in global governance. We support the United Nations in its efforts to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Bretton Woods institutions and the Group of 20, promote further reform of the international financial system, and increase the voice and representation of developing countries in international economic governance. Resolution 65/94 adopted by this session of the General Assembly advocates an inclusive, transparent and effective multilateral system. We hope the relevant report of the Secretary-General will fully reflect the positions and concerns of the Group of 77 and China, make full use of the authority and strengths of the United Nations in the field of development, and put forward feasible policy recommendations on how to strengthen the UN development agenda and the UN role in international economic governance.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.