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Statement by Ms. Dong Zhihua, Counselor of the Chinese Delegation at the ECOSOC on the National Voluntary Presentation of the Russian Federation

2012-07-03 06:20

Mr. President,

The Chinese delegation thanks the representative of the Russian Federation for the national voluntary presentation and appreciates the spirit of frankness and cooperation displayed in Russia’s presentation.

We have noted that the Russian Federation has made enormous efforts to respond to the international financial crisis, curb the rise of the unemployment rate and increase the income of the people; and it has made bold experiments in enhancing vocational training and improving social security. Thanks to its anti-crisis measures, Russia has greatly improved the employment situation, basically overcome the effects of the economic and financial crisis on its economy and sustained the steady growth of its GDP. China wishes to congratulate the Russian Federation for its achievements.

As was said by the Russian delegate, the task of achieving economic modernization remains arduous and Russia still faces challenges in economic structural adjustment and transformation of the mode of growth. We are convinced that the new administration of the Russian Federation will continue the efforts to promote economic growth and improve people’s welfare.

Finally, I’d like to ask the Russian delegate a question: in view of the close relationship between immigration and economic and social development, what specific policy measures does the Russian government intend to take in immigration management in order to advance economic and social development?

Thank you, Mr. President.

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