Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Briefing on Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

2023-07-06 18:00  Print

Dear Colleagues,

Good Afternoon,

China commends the CBD Secretariat and UNEP for organizing this briefing, and thanks Acting Executive Secretary David Cooper for his introductory remarks.

Like Minister Huang Runqiu just said, as President of COP15, China worked closely with other member countries of the Convention and achieved successful outcomes of the two phases of COP15. President Xi Jinping attended both phases of the Conference via video link and delivered remarks, in which he put forward China's proposal to strengthen global biodiversity conservation and announced the establishment of a Kunming Biodiversity Fund, providing strong political impetus to the Conference. The adoption of the historic outcome, namely, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, reflects the political will and the collaboration spirit of the international community to strengthen cooperation on biodiversity, embodies true multilateralism and maintains the leading role of the United Nations.

The adoption of the Framework is a new starting point. The follow-up is much more important and the key is implementation. Actions must be sped up to transform the Framework from a blueprint into reality. We should adhere to the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities", with developed countries providing more support to developing countries in terms of finance, technology, and capacity building. We need to work together to ensure th e early implementation of the Fund and other financing arrangements, deepen global cooperation on biodiversity conservation, and build a community of all life on Earth.

China is an active champion of ecological conservation. We adhere to the development philosophy that "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and makes biodiversity conservation a national strategy. We have coordinated biodiversity conservation with climate change and environmental pollution management, and continue to carry out holistic conservation of our mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands, and deserts. On our new journey to achieve Chinese modernization, we have the will and ability to make greater contributions to strengthening global environmental governance and implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

China will continue to perform its role as the COP15 President and promote the full and effective implementation of the COP15 outcomes, especially the Framework. We also welcome all parties to carry out practical cooperation under the framework of the Global Development Initiative and the Green Belt and Road Initiative. Together, let’s make biodiversity conservation a model for international cooperation and a benchmark for global environmental governance, and join hands to build a world of harmonious co-existence between humanity and nature.