Mr. President,
It is my honor to introduce draft resolution A/59/L.30 entitled "Enhancing Capacity-building in Global Public Health" under agenda item 55.
Mr. President,
Enhancing capacity building in global public health is an important element of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Three out of the eight MDGs are health-related and Goal 6 specifically states that we are to halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS and the incidence of malaria and other major diseases by 2015. The promotion of capacity building in global public health will certainly facilitate the early realization of these goals by the international community.
In this increasingly globalized world, the danger of infectious diseases is definitely not going to be confined to one State, one region or one continent. Once a disease breaks out, it might pose an immediate threat to the whole world. The harm done to mankind by epidemics such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, SARS and avian influenza is all too obvious. Only by joining hands can the international community better equip itself to respond to and prevent these diseases.
Mr. President,
This is the second time that China proposes a draft resolution with the same title. On the basis of resolution 58/3, the following elements have been added after broad consultations with other delegations: Taking note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Millennium Declaration; noting with appreciation the work of UNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the holding of the XV International AIDS Conference; noting with concern the recent outbreak of avian influenza, recognizing its impact on human health as well as on the economy, and welcoming the Joint Ministerial Statement issued by the States concerned in this connection; noting that at the global level, the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network brings together more than 120 partners to provide timely and high-quality technical support; encourages Member States, as well as United Nations agencies, to actively support capacity-building in global public health and health care institutions such as through the provision of technical and other assistance to the developing countries as well as countries with economies in transition.
Mr. President,
At the request of Benin, Chairman of the Group of LDCs, I propose the following change to the draft resolution after consultations with interested parties: To delete the words "including the least developed countries" in the penultimate line of operative paragraph 7. The paragraph now reads:
"Encourages Member states, as well as United Nations agencies, bodies, funds and programmes, in accordance with their respective mandates, to continue to address public health concerns in their development activities and programmes, and to actively support capacity-building in global public health and health-care institutions, such as through the provision of technical and other relevant assistance to the developing countries as well as countries with economies in transition".
The draft resolution issued on 15 November listed 126 countries as cosponsors. 40 more countries have since then joined as cosponsors. They are: Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Brazil, Cape Verde, Comoros, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, Ireland, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Micronesia, Nauru, Nigeria, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Seychelles, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay and Yemen. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to sincerely thank all the cosponsors and hope that the General Assembly will adopt the draft resolution as orally amended by consensus.
Mr. President,
Having introduced the draft resolution contained in A/59/L.30, I wish to make a few remarks on the items under consideration today.
The Chinese delegation would like to thank the Secretary-General for his reports on agenda items 45 and 55 and welcomes the joint debate on these two items. The Chinese delegation endorses the statement to be made by the distinguished representative of Qatar on behalf of "G77 and China".
By resolution 58/291 adopted in May this year, the General Assembly decided to convene a high-level plenary meeting, in September 2005, with the participation of heads of State and Government to undertake a comprehensive review of the progress made in the fulfillment of all the commitments contained in the Millennium Declaration and the outcomes of all the major UN conferences. It will be a summit of critical importance to the future of the UN, to the strengthening of multilateralism with UN as its center and to our concerted efforts for world peace, security and prosperity. In order to ensure the success of the summit, all member states should start now in earnest the preparations for it.
Firstly, we have to actively work for the implementation of the Millennium Declaration. The Declaration is a crystallization of the strong determination of member states to strengthen the role of the UN and to uphold the UN Charter. In the past few years, the United Nations and member states have worked hard to realize the goals enshrined in the Declaration. Some positive results have been yielded. However, the Secretary-General has rightly pointed out the magnitude of the tasks before us. In some countries, the pace of implementing the MDGs is worrisome. The international community needs to redouble its efforts in ensuring the fulfillment of the commitments contained in the Declaration. It is essential to further mobilize resources and increase inputs in development, so as to help all countries, developing countries in particular, to make greater progress in achieving the MDGs.
Secondly, it is necessary, through integrated and coordinated efforts, to ensure that there is a comprehensive and balanced implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major UN conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields. We agree to the series of recommendations contained in the SG's report. In this connection, I would like to stress the following points:
1. It is necessary to carry out needed reforms in the social and economic fields, reorient the focus of work and streamline the agenda. The basic purpose of the reform is to enhance the coordination capacity of the UN in the economic field.
2. ECOSOC should formulate as soon as possible a multi-year work program and strengthen its coordination and monitoring of implementation in the economic field. We support continued dialogue between the GA, ECOSOC on the one hand, and the BWIs (Bretton Woods Institutions) and the WTO (Word Trade Organization) on the other and efforts to make the dialogue yield more positive and concrete results.
3. It is necessary to establish an effective mechanism to assess and monitor the implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major UN conferences and summits.
Next year will be the 10th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women. Preparations by the Chinese Government and relevant NGOs for the celebration are now under way. To protect and promote the rights and interests of women is an important part of the implementation of the Declaration. We stand ready to work with all other delegations to further implement the outcome of the 4th World Conference on Women.
Finally, on next year's summit meeting of the General Assembly, we believe that it should review, in a comprehensive manner, all questions relating to peace, development and reform and make forward-looking and visionary decisions at the political and strategic level, which will serve as guidelines and principles for our work in the years to come. Preparations for the summit should be open, transparent and inclusive and the drafting and negotiation of its outcome document should involve all member states, with particular attention to the voice and demands of the developing countries. The report of the SG's High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, the SG's comprehensive report on the Millennium Declaration and the report of the Millennium Project will be the three basic documents for the preparation of the summit next year. We believe that the three interrelated reports can be directly considered in an integrated manner in the Plenary of the General Assembly with a view to producing a package draft resolution for further negotiation.
The Chinese delegation agrees in principle to the recommendations of the SG regarding the dates, format and other organizational matters. We hope that the GA will adopt a resolution as soon as possible on this issue and work out a roadmap and timetable to ensure an orderly preparatory process.
Mr. President,
The Chinese delegation is ready, in close cooperation with other states, to work for the comprehensive implementation of the Millennium Declaration and the outcomes of the major UN conferences and summits and for a successful summit meeting next year.
Thank you, Mr. President.