Statement by Ambassador Wang Min of the Chinese Delegation on the Statement made by the Executive Director of UNFPA at the 2nd Regular Session of the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS

2013-09-10 00:00  Print


Mr. President,

The Chinese delegation thanks Executive Director Dr. Osotimehin for his presentation of the work of the UNFPA since the last annual session.  We are pleased to see that under the leadership of the Executive Director, UNFPA has made gratifying progress in formulating the new strategic plan and the integrated budget for 2014-2017, promoting the ICPD beyond 2014 review and actively engaging in the process of post-2015 development agenda.

The Chinese delegation welcomes the new 2014-2017 Strategic Plan and appreciates the transparent and inclusive approach adopted by UNFPA while discussing and formulating the strategic plan. Compared with the current strategic plan, the new one, in light of the changing development landscape, has contained some adjustments in such aspects as strategic focus and operational modes of the Fund to reflect its characteristics.  It has also put forward new result and output indicators, business models and resource allocation mechanism aimed at achieving the Fund's effectiveness and efficiency through enhancing the integrated results framework.

The Chinese delegation believes that the adjustments as reflected in the new strategic plan are positive and will have important impact on the future orientation of the Fund, program design and implementation as well as the development result we strive for.  We hope that in its implementation, UNFPA will continue to follow the principle of universality in UN's development assistance and actively fulfill all the requirements contained in the QCPR, and bring into play its advantages in reproductive health, family planning and population dynamics.  In addition, it should respect the principle of national ownership of the program countries, fulfill its commitment in the new strategic plan, build flexibility in program planning based on the needs of program countries, and effectively help program countries in different development stages respond to the outstanding issues and challenges in the field of population.  The Fund should continue to play its leadership role in the fields of population and development through summing up and sharing the experience that reflect the distinct features of different regions and program countries.  At the same time, we hope that at headquarters, regional and country levels, the Fund will take effective measures to secure the same understanding of the new strategic plan as soon as possible in order to help program countries analyze the possible implications of the new strategic plan, assist them in getting prepared for the programs that will be developed for them in the future and the adjustments in the mode of the program implementation so as to ensure sustainability and stability in the program implementation.

Mr. President,

The Chinese delegation welcomes the integrated budget prepared by UNFPA according to the results framework of the new strategic plan, and acknowledges the positive role it will play, as an integral component of the new strategic plan, in promoting the achievement of various results. We agree with the analysis and assessment of the budget made by ACABQ, and appreciate the efforts of the Fund to increase resources for program and development activities and reduce the percentage of the institutional budget in the total resources. We express concern at the downward trend in the core resources and support the Fund in closely cooperating with other UN agencies in bringing down costs and maximizing resources efficiency through joint procurement and other means.

Mr. President,  

China has always attached great importance to cooperation with UNFPA.  Executive Director Osotimehin paid a successful visit to China not long ago, during which he and the relevant departments in China had extensive and fruitful exchanges on further strengthening and deepening our cooperation. His visit has yielded fruitful results. China will work closely with UNFPA on the follow-up and promote greater cooperation between the two sides in a joint effort to address the challenges in the fields of population and development.

Thank you, Mr. President.