Statement by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the Virtual High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

2020-06-02 10:00  Print

Thank you very much, Mr. Lowcock and Dr. Abdullah for moderating this important event. I appreciate the statements made by Secretary-General Guterres and His Highness Prince Faisal.

China has been closely following the situation in Yemen. We support the call for ceasefire made by Secretary-General Guterres and his Special Envoy Griffths. We welcome the extended unilateral ceasefire made by Saudi Arabia on behalf of the Coalition. All parties should make further efforts towards the same direction, so as to reach and sustain a complete ceasefire together.

We know there are many challenges ahead, but the political settlement represents the only solution to the Yemeni issue. For that purpose, we need to have a UN-led, comprehensive and inclusive political process. We support the work done by Mr. Griffiths towards this end. It is imperative that all parties in Yemen strengthen their political will, engage in broad dialogue and consultations. We urge all parties to implement the Stockholm Agreement and the Riyadh Agreement, and make more efforts toward the cessation of violence and the building of mutual trust.

We are also concerned about the grim humanitarian situation in Yemen, especially in the current circumstances of the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We urge all parties to join hands in fighting the humanitarian challenges together, that's in the fundamental interest of all Yemenis. We do hope that international community could pay close attention to possible impact of the pandemic and the desert locust infestation on Yemen, work together to lend a helping hand, implement the promised aid to Yemen as soon as possible, while actively providing new assistance. We also hope that parties concerned could provide safe and unhindered access for humanitarian aids, that's extremely critical at this moment.

China has been providing Yemen with food, medical supplies and other assistance, and is committed to reducing the suffering of Yemeni people. To support Yemen in combating the COVID-19 pandemic, China has recently provided a batch of medical supplies, including testing reagents, medical protective gowns, masks, goggles and gloves. We will continue to do whatever we can to help the Yemeni people.

China highly appreciates Saudi Arabia for providing a large amount of humanitarian assistance and anti-epidemic support to Yemen as well as co-hosting this high-level event with the United Nations. We also appreciate the efforts made by other neighboring countries in this region. China will continue to work with the international community, make all efforts towards political settlement and alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

Thank you.