Statement by the Chinese Delegation on Agenda Item 98(f): Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind at the 56th Session of the United Nations General Assembly |
2001-11-28 00:00 |
The Chinese Delegation wishes to thank the Secretary-General for his report under this agenda item and the secretariat for the introduction. The Chinese Delegation wishes to associate itself with the statement made by the Iranian Delegation on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol has embodied the common interests of the international community on the issue of global climate change. The adoption of the Bonn Agreement at the Sixth Session of the Conference of Parties to the Convention is an encouraging achievement that has demonstrated the solidarity and determination of the international community to address climate change. The package of decisions on the implementation of the Bonn Agreement made at the just concluded Seventh Session of the Conference of Parties to the Convention has created conditions for the Kyoto Protocol to enter into force. We welcome this development. The third Assessment Report adopted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has provided us with ampler evidence and information and prompted us to squarely face the issue of climate change. The only correct approach in addressing the issue of climate change is to act on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, take concrete steps to promote an early entry into force and implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. Mr. Chairman, Effective financial assistance and technology transfer are the important conditions for the strengthening of the capacities of the developing countries to address climate change. The Bonn Agreement provides for the establishment of the Special Climate Change Fund, the Least Developed Countries Fund and the Experts Group on Technology Transfer. It also makes provisions for the mitigation of adverse effects of climate change on the developing countries. This has reflected an important progress achieved in the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, the implementation of the above provisions requires the guarantee of concrete measures. LULUCF concerns the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol. We should deal with it cautiously and in a manner of being responsible for our future generations. The provisions on LULUCF in the Bonn Agreement have, to some extent, weakened the environmental integrity of the Kyoto Protocol. Therefore, it is not desirable for the countries concerned to seek further loopholes on this issue. The three mechanisms under the protocol will help the developed countries to reduce their emissions of GHGs with low costs, and the clean development mechanism will also be conducive to the sustainable development of the developing countries. We hope the rules of operations for the three mechanisms be set and the clean development mechanism be launched without delay. A strict procedure of compliance is the guarantee of the implementation of the protocol. The reporting of relevant information and its review as provided in the Protocol are the basis for the operation of the compliance procedure, without which it would be difficult to exert the force of the protocol. Mr. Chairman, Since the entry into force of the Convention, a large number of the developing countries have taken a host of measures within their capacity to address climate change. China, for example, the growth rate of its energy consumption only amounts to half of its economic growth rate. We believe that the international community should strictly act up the principle and spirit of the Convention in good faith. Both the developed and the developing should work together in line with the provisions of the Convention to fulfill their respective obligation, establish partnerships, conduct effective cooperation and make contribution to the protection of the global climate. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |