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Statement by Ms. Yang Jianmin of the Chinese Delegation "Protection of Global Climate for Present and Future Generations of Mankind"at the Second Committee of the 57th Session of the General Assembly

2002-11-14 00:00
Mr. Chairman,

First of all, the Chinese delegation would like to associate itself with the statement made by Venezuela on behalf of Group of 77 and China on this agenda item.
The Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) just concluded its Eighth Session in New Delhi, India.  We would like to congratulate on the achievements of this session. The UNFCCCC and its Kyoto Protocol reflect the common interests of the international community on the question of global climate change and constitute the political foundation and legal framework for the international community to address climate change. The international community should take further action to comply with the Convention and to make early entry into force and implementation of the Kyoto Protocol.  This is the only right way to address climate change. The ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by China, India, Brazil and other developing countries has further demonstrated to the world the commitment from the developing countries to addressing the challenges of climate change.  We note and welcome the ratification of the Protocol by the 15 countries of the EU and Japan, as well as the positive indications given by some other countries in that connection.  We also hope that those developed countries that have not yet ratified the Protocol will do so as soon as possible so that the Protocol can enter into force at an early date.

Mr. Chairman,

We believe that the question of climate change should be considered and addressed from the perspective of sustainable development and in strict adherence to the principles set out in the Convention, including the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities". In the negotiations of the Convention, the various key elements concerning climate change should be addressed in a balanced manner, and the valid demands of the developing countries should be met.  Scientific research on climate change should be intensified and it is necessary to enhance the analysis and assessment of the impact of climate change on developing countries and their adaptation, the question of climate change and equity and the relationship between climate change and sustainable development, so as to help the developing countries to improve their adaptation capacity.  Meanwhile, effective financial assistance and transfer of technology are important conditions for enhancing developing countries' capacity to address climate change.  To that end, the Special Climate Change Fund should become operational at an early date and the negotiations of the guidelines regarding the utilization of the Fund should be concluded as soon as possible, so that the Global Environment Facility will be able to provide resources for relevant activities in developing countries based on those guidelines.

Mr. Chairman,

Since the coming into force of the Convention, a vast number of developing countries have taken numerous measures within their respective capacity to respond to climate change.  Take China for example, in the past ten years, the growth rate of China's energy consumption was only half of its economic growth rate.  We believe that on the question of climate change, the international community should act in good faith and strictly abide by the principles and spirit of the Convention.  Both developed and developing countries should fulfill their respective commitments under the Convention and establish genuine partnerships for carrying out effective cooperation.  At the same time, developed countries should truly honor their commitments and assist developing countries in financial resources, technology and capacity building in a joint endeavor to contribute to global climate protection.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
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