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Statement for Item 3 at the 45th Session of the UN Commission on Population and Development By Mr. HU Hongtao

2012-04-23 22:39
   Mr. HU Hongtao ,Director General Department of International Cooperation National Population and Family Planning Commission People's  Republic of China made the following statement on April 23:

Mr. Chair,

The Chinese delegation would like to extend its sincere gratitude to the Secretariat for its wonderful preparation of the meeting and high appreciation of the report by the Secretary General. The report has laid a good foundation for discussions regarding "adolescents and youth" at this session.

Mr. Chair,

The largest ever population of adolescents and youth aged 10 to 24 years is living in today's world. With most of them living in environments very different from what their parents grew up in, they face both better opportunities and more challenges. Improving sexual and reproductive health status of adolescents and youth and promoting their integrated development is of critical importance to attainment of the ICPD goals and achievement of sustainable/equitable development. In this regard, the Chinese delegation would like to put forward the following comments and recommendations.

First, further understand the importance of improving adolescent sexual and reproductive health to the attainment of the ICPD goals and the MDGs. Adolescent sexual and reproductive health should be incorporated into national strategies on reproductive health and family planning for comprehensive consideration; national budgets should include operating funds earmarked for provision of reproductive health and family planning services to adolescents; and corporation mechanisms featuring multi-agency cooperation and joint participation by government departments and NGOs should be set up and develop.

Secondly, increase financial input into reproductive health and family planning. Shortage of funds for reproductive health and family planning severely drags down the attainment of the MDG on universal access to reproductive health. Fulfilling unmet family planning needs, especially that for adolescents, remains a pressing task for developing countries in their provision of reproductive health services. As such, it is imperative to increase the share of family planning and reproductive health funds in the official development assistance (ODA).

Thirdly, optimize the provision of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and family planning information and services to adolescents and youth,with full respect paid to confidentiality and privacy of young clients. Special attention should be paid to reproductive health and family planning services targeting adversely situated vulnerable youth groups, such as rural youth, disabled youth, homeless youth and youth with HIV/AIDS.

Fourthly, promote integrated development of adolescents. While it is necessary to cultivate sound psychological quality, behavioral habits, life skills and healthy personalities of adolescents, it is also a must to create a sound social environment favorable to healthy adolescent growth. Governments should endeavor to provide young people with adequate education and employment opportunities so that young people, especially girls in need, can access financial resources, skills training and social assistance.

Fifthly, enhance the sense of ownership among adolescents. Future adolescent reproductive health efforts need to enhance the sense of ownership among adolescents, so that the latter may participate in the development, implementation, supervision and evaluation of reproductive health policies and programmes. Vulnerable adolescent groups, such as migrant adolescents and adolescents in remote rural areas with ethnic backgrounds, should be encouraged to participate so that they can enjoy more opportunities to express their own needs and play their due roles in relevant decision making processes.

Sixthly, improve capacity building for family development conducive to healthy adolescent growth. Functions of the family are weakening along with accelerating urbanization and migration. As family education is of far-reaching implications to adolescent growth, it is necessary to enhance education of parents, train them in relevant skills and attract their support and cooperation. National governments, on the other hand, should build up conditions and environments enabling family education. When schools, families and communities put their different roles into full play, a school-family-society "Three in One" education system needs to take place, which, together with a complete working mechanism, will promote joint commitment to healthy growth of the future generation.

Mr. Chair,

Adolescents and youth represent the future of the world. A healthy young generation is a fundamental guarantee for sustainable development in the future. China, as always, will earnestly perform its commitment to the ICPD goals and the MDGs and devote itself to promotion of sexual & reproductive health and integrated healthy growth of adolescents and youth, working hand in hand with other countries in the world and the international community!

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

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