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Statement by the Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan at the Ninth Meeting of the Sustainable Development Goals Open Working Group

2014-03-03 04:08

Distinguished Co-Chairs

Ladies and Gentlemen

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the troika consisting of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan. Our troika would like to extend its profound appreciation to the Co-Chairs of the OWG on SDGs for their efforts and hard work in providing the consolidated summary of the previous sessions of the Open Working Group on SDGs entitled, Progress Report of the Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the document highlighting the focus areas. We believe that it is yet another important step further towards our objective of defining and addressing the SDGs.

In our sincere view, the two documents have, in general, captured substantial parts of the discussions that took place, and therefore represents a solid basis for further discussion.

However, our troika has some observations and concerns, which bring to your attention since they are fundamental to the upcoming phase of the OWG SDGs. We believe that there are elements that should be given a stronger emphasis and be further incorporated to ensure that the consolidated summary and the documents of focus areas captured the full dynamics of the discussions during the entire OWG stocktaking sessions.

First, we noted that the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR), which should be the guiding principle of SDGs as set out in Rio+20 outcome paper and our previous troika statements, is not adequately reflected in both documents. In this regard, we suggest to include some specific language on CBDR in a response to the text of the co-chairs. We therefore propose that SDGs should be formulated in accordance with all of the Rio principles and in particular the principle of Common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) which is the fundamental component to move the process forward. Hence, we request the next draft should include a narrative as a preamble to reaffirm all the Rio principles, in particular CBDR.

2. With regard to goals and targets, we appreciate and are satisfied that poverty eradication is reflected as the overarching goal and focus areas in the document. We hope that we will put poverty eradication as priority when we formulate targets under each focus area. We are of the view that we need to take into consideration the different capacities, development stages and circumstances of Member States.

3. With regard to the means of implementation (MoI), we are of the view that they should be an integral part of SDGs and therefore should be further strengthened in both documents. The MoI must be supported by actions of developed countries at the international level, such as, time-bound financing targets; associated trade and economic policies; technology transfer and other resources to assist and enable the efforts of developing countries. We believe that MDG8 should be the basis of future global development partnerships and within it CBDR should be applied as a principle regarding the means of implementation.

4. Our Troika is of the view that the SDGs need to incorporate the global economic environment that helps addressing current development challenges as well as addressing the existing systemic imbalances. Therefore, a stand-alone goal on “global partnership” is another issue that we considered the utmost important. Global partnership should be defined as a crosscutting issue with the other areas which among others, cover trade, development financing capacity building and technology transfer. In connection with the reform of the international financial and economic architecture, we believe that it should continue to promote inclusiveness and give an adequate voice and representation of developing countries in international financial and economic decision making and norm-setting processes.

5. With regard to other issues, such as human rights, peace and security, rule of law, and governance, we acknowledge their importance and their interdependence with development, which create an enabling environment for sustainable development and, therefore, should not be the subject of stand-alone goals. In this regard, we are of the view that focus area 19 namely “peaceful and non-violent societies, capable institutions” should not be a goal or focus area in the next draft, some of the elements could be reflected in the preamble part.

6. Our troika understands the importance of climate change and its cross-cutting nature. However we are of the view that climate change should not be the subject of a stand-alone goal. It should rather be reflected in relevant areas, consistent with the consensus within the UNFCCC and does not affect the negotiation process under the Framework.

7. With regard to the focus area of promoting equality, our troika is of the view that it should focus on promoting equality between countries rather than within countries. It should also address the challenge of global development imbalance through improving global economic governance and creating favorable development environment for developing countries, in this regard, developed countries should provide finance and technology assistance to developing countries.

Another issue of our concern is with regard to the consolidated summary of the previous sessions of the OWG on SDGs entitled, Progress Report. In our view, the Report needs to reflect the entire spectrum of discussions of the OWG for the past eight meetings. We have submitted our response with regard to the draft progress report, and wish to see the inputs reflected in the revised document.


We believe that the very success of the upcoming phase of the OWG SDGs depends on these very issues receiving the highest attention.

Having witnessed ourselves the excellent manner in which you have led the process thus far, our troika is confident that you will take these suggestions to your next draft and ensure that the OWG SDGs have a balanced outcome, which will take into account the existing obstacles and challenges encountered by developing countries.

The Troika of China, Indonesia and Kazakhstan stands committed to work with other Member States in this important process.

Thank you.

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