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Statement by Ambassador Wang Min at the 2015 First Regular Session of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS in Response to the Statement by the UNFPA Executive Director

2015-01-28 12:05

Mr. President,

At the outset, I would like to congratulate Executive Director Osotimehin on his assumption of his new post period starting in 2015. I have noted the Executive Director's review of the work of UNFPA in 2014 as well as his remarks on its work in 2015. I appreciate the vigorous efforts by UNFPA for the success of the UNGA review meeting on the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development in September 2014, in its capacity as the Secretariat for the meeting.

Mr. President,

2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. In the area of international development cooperation, the United Nations will hold a development summit to establish the post-2015 development agenda. The international community still faces daunting challenges in poverty eradication and the achievement of sustainable development. In ensuring sexual and reproductive health, youth, gender equality, and development, the UNFPA needs to continue to play its coordinating role on the basis of its mandate. The 29th Special Session of the UN General Assembly in 2014 discussed the implementation of the ICPD Program of Action over the past 20 years and reached an extensive consensus on the follow-up to the program of action. We hope that UNFPA will continue to follow its guidance and enhance the efficiency and efficacy of its support for developing countries' programs.

China welcomes the focus of UNFPA's work in 2015 put forward by the Executive Director in prioritizing sex and reproductive health, youth, data, South-South cooperation and humanitarian emergency assistance. We encourage UNFPA to continue to effectively implement the 2014-2017 Strategic Plan, integrate population policies into overall national development plans according to the requests of program countries, and increase the inputs on capacity building, especially the capacity of developing countries to collect and analyze data on population, and provide practical support to South-South Cooperation. The current youth population of the world totals 1.8 billion, which is mostly concentrated in developing countries. Youth are the future of world development. It is very important for the achievement of national development goals to emphasize youth health issues, increase investment in youth education, and promote youth employment. China welcomes efforts by UNFPA in increasing its input in youth. At the same time, given the multiple needs of youth development and the UNFPA's mandate, we encourage the UNFPA to increase its consultations with other UN agencies, make clear its focus, raise its efficiency, and avoid duplication.

The year 2014 witnessed a sharp increase in the magnitude, complexity and frequency of humanitarian crises, and the situation for 2015 remains grave with growing demands for financial resources. China appreciates UNFPA's unique perspective in humanitarian responses, its expertise and its contributions, and supports the UNFPA's increase in the allocation of annual Humanitarian Emergency Fund and the establishment of a Humanitarian Response Reserve. At the same time, we hope that the use of the funds should be based on humanitarian needs, that the ownership and priorities of national governments be respected, and that efforts will be made to continue to enhance transparency and accountability with regard to financial management, the use of funds and monitoring and evaluation.

We have noted that UNFPA revised its oversight policies in order to implement the GA requirements for QCPR on the UN system's operational activities for development, in conformity with the decision made by the Executive Board and the broad membership on improving accountability, transparency, ethics, evaluation, auditing and investigation. It is our hope that UNFPA will accordingly further strengthen its risk management and internal control, enhance program accountability and results monitoring, so as to improve its management and ensure the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of country programs.

Mr. President,

The Chinese delegation, as always, attaches great importance to cooperating with the UNFPA and, in recent years, has been actively exploring new ways to deepen the cooperation. In light of its national conditions, China, as a country with a large population, will continue to take an integrated approach to the issue of demographic size, quality, structure and distribution, to proactively address the ageing of the population, and to facilitate the long-term balanced growth of population. China stands ready to join the international community, including UNFPA, in making unremitting efforts in response to the various challenges in the area of global population and development.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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