Statement by Ms. Guo Xiaomei Counsellor and Legal Adviser of the Chinese Mission to the United Nations At the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly On Report of the International Criminal Court |
2010-10-29 07:42 |
Mr. Chairman, We would like to thank President Song for his Report. China always attaches importance to the role of international criminal justice in the advancement of social development. China is in favor of setting up an international criminal judicial institution that is independent, impartial, effective and universal to serve as a complement to national legal systems in punishing gravest international crimes, promoting international peace and achieving judicial justice. We have been following closely the activities of the International Criminal Court. The International Criminal Court has been established for over seven years now. It has not only made some progress in institutional building, but also entered into its full judicial functioning, initiated the investigation and prosecution of a number of cases, and carried out explorations in judicial practice. It should be acknowledged that the activities of the Court have heightened the attention of the international community to international criminal law. At the same time, we've also noted that some of the Court's practices have affected the stability of and the harmony among countries in the regions concerned, and given rise to broad controversy in the international community. The First Review Conference of the Rome Statute held in Kampala, Uganda this past June adopted an amendment to the article on the Crime of Aggression and China, as an oberserver state, participated in its negotiation in an positive and responsible manner. China realizes that some countries still have concerns and reservations on that amendment. We will follow closely developments in this regard and are prepared to further communicate with all countries on this question. Mr. Chairman, The Chinese delegation believes that as a component part of the international community, and as a member of the world peace and security system, the Court can not operate successfully without support of countries and relevant international organization, and the Court activities must be taken within the current international law frame work with UN Charter as its foundation. International judicial justice and international peace are mutually reinforcing and complementary. The pursance of judicial justice should have safeguarding the values of peace and security and maintaining harmonious and stable international order as its fundamental requirement. Therefore, it is our hope that the Court will exercise its functions more prudently in its future work, further establish its credibility and win broader trust and support from the international community by its objective and impartial performance so as to make contributions to the peace and justice. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |