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Statement II by Counsellor LI Yongsheng of the Chinese Delegation at the Preparatory Meeting of the UN Ocean Conference

2017-02-15 02:05

Distinguished co-facilitators,

Regarding the outcome document “Call for Action”, China endorses the statement made by Ecuador on behalf of the Group of 77 and China. China would just like to emphasize the following points:

First, the outcome document should stick to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the requirements contained in the relevant UN follow-up documents including GA resolutions 70/226 and 70/303. It should be a concise, action-oriented political document, focusing on sustainable development. It should not involve sensitive political or legal issues. Neither should it be a legally binding document or establish any new mechanism. The outcome document should reflect the consensus of the international community and should be agreed upon by consensus.

Second, the outcome document may have the following elements:

1. On important concepts guiding the implementation of SDG14, it should encompass the fundamental concept of jointly building a marine community of shared future for mankind; the development concept of “innovation, coordination, green economy, opening up and common benefit” as well as the vision of marine ecological civilization with “harmony between humankind and oceans”.

2. Major principles to be followed in implementing SDG14 should include state-ownership, independence and voluntarism, so that countries will implement SDG14 autonomously in light of their own situations. Attention should be given to resolving actual issues encountered by developing countries in special situations, such as the small island developing countries, in the course of their development. Both conservation and sustainable use should enjoy equal emphasis. The principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities” should also be incorporated.

3. Regarding specific actions in implementing SDG14, it should include voluntary commitment, “blue economy” development, and building the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, among other initiatives aimed at achieving win-win cooperation.

Thank you, co-facilitators.

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