Mr. Chairman,
At its 48th session, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law conducted a comprehensive summary of the progress of its various working groups, set the direction and guiding principles for the working groups in their next step of work, and provided guidance at both macro and technical levels to the on-going formulation of relevant UNCITRAL rules such as the Revision of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The work carried out at the session will certainly facilitate the smooth conduct of the work of various working groups, thus contributing positively to the promotion of the unification of international trade law and the development of international trade.
The work of UNCITRAL was fruitful and productive. In areas of arbitration, insolvency and security, the Commission has formulated on the basis of the latest state practice new rules in response to new questions and new approaches. Such rules will certainly serve as important reference for states in their relevant legislating work, and will be of great help to their efforts to improve their national legislation. The Chinese delegation wishes to express its satisfaction at the achievement of this session of the Commission and its appreciation for the high-quality work of the UNCITRAL Secretariat.
The Chinese delegation hopes that the Commission will continue to engage in effective and deep-going discussions on the items on its agenda, so as to further the process of unification of the law of international trade.
Mr. Chairman,
China has taken part in every aspect of the drafting of legal instruments by various UNCITRAL working groups. In formulating domestic legislations, the Chinese government has used as reference the content of relevant UNCITRAL model laws or legislative guides and has actively publicized and disseminated the achievement of the work of the Commission in China. My government will, as always, attach great importance to and take an active part in the work of the Commission, and will join other member states in working to advance the unification of international trade law and the development of international trade.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.