Remarks by Acting DPR Mr. Yao Shaojun at Security Council Open Video Conference on Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam |
2020-06-29 05:32 |
Mr. President, I thank USG DiCarlo for her briefing. I welcome the participation of honorable Foreign Minister of Egypt and Ambassadors of Ethiopia and Sudan. China placed high importance on the issue of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, and takes note of the positions expressed in the letters from Foreign Ministers of Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan. China fully understands the concerns of the three countries on this matter, welcomes that AU Bureau of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government held the Extraordinary Video-teleconference meeting on June 26, and commends that relevant countries committed to resolve differences through negotiations. The utilization of cross-border water resources involves the distribution of interests between upstream and downstream countries and is therefore highly complicated and sensitive. China holds the view that this should be resolved by the three parties through dialogue and consultation for mutual benefit. African countries have a good tradition of solving regional issues through dialogue and consultation. Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan are all important countries in the region and good friends of China. China sincerely hopes that the three parties will reach a solution acceptable to all through patient dialogue and consultation. We hope that the international community will create a conducive external environment and support the three parties in narrowing differences through dialogue and consultation in an effort to maintain peace, stability and development in Africa. This involvement of the Security Council in GERD issue should not constitute a precedent. China is ready to work with all parties to play a constructive role. Thank you, Mr. President. |