Mr. President,
Allow me to thank the Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Fisher, for his briefing.
The security situation in Haiti has been stable of late. The development and reconstruction process has moved forward. China welcomes the Haitian Government's successful hosting of an intersessional meeting of the Caribbean Community in February. At the same time, Haiti faces political, economic and humanitarian difficulties and still has much to do to return to the path of development. To that end, Haiti needs the international community's support.
We hope that the Haitian Government and the international community, as well as the Haitian political parties, will pursue the democratic process through reconciliation so as to guarantee the smooth conduct of free, fair and credible elections by 2014 and to consolidate the country's achievements to date.
Hurricane Sandy ravaged Haiti, but the country is also encountering difficulties in improving living conditions, creating employment and promoting sustainable development. We call on the international community to pay close attention to the reconstruction efforts in Haiti, uphold its aid commitments, and improve the effectiveness of assistance so as to contribute constructively to the rebuilding and development of the country. China supports the Secretary-General's initiative to eradicate cholera in Haiti.
We welcome the efforts and contributions of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti to peace and stability in the country. We note the consolidation plan 2013-2016 for MINUSTAH, submitted by the Secretary-General, and we hope that MINUSTAH will continue to carry out its Security Council mandate by helping Haiti to move forward with the political process, maintaining the security and stability of the country, and bolstering the rule of law and institutional stability. Regarding the Mission's drawdown, we need to hear the views of the various parties involved so as to better guide this process.
Thank you, Mr. President.