Statement by Ambassador Wu Haitao at the Security Council Open Debate on the Question of Colombia

2020-01-13 11:00  Print

Mr. President,

China welcomes Foreign Minister Claudia Blum to the meeting of the Security Council and wishes to thank Special Representative Massieu for his briefing.

For three years since the signing of the Colombia Peace Agreement, continuous progress has been made in the country, thanks to the efforts made by the Colombian government and all the parties concerned, in the reintegration of former FARC-EP combatants, institutional building and reforms in different areas. The justice system has been strengthened and the process of peace and reconciliation continued. In October last year, elections were held at the local and departmental levels for the first time since the signing of the peace agreement, which was an indication of continued progress in the political process in Colombia. A new chapter is being written for peace, reconciliation and hope through the efforts of the Colombian people.

Special Representative Massieu and the UN Verification Mission in Colombia that he is leading have made important contributions to the peace process in Colombia as they continue their efforts to assist former combatants with their social, political and economic reintegration, to take measure to guarantee their safety, and to safeguard the rights and interests of the people of Colombia, especially that of women, children and minority groups. China expresses its appreciation for these efforts. We hope that the UN Verification Mission in Columbia will continue to play a greater role in the peace and stability in Columbia while respecting the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the country.

The Peace Agreement reflects the aspirations of the parties in Colombia for peace, development and prosperity and represents the broadest consensus in the country. So far there has been indeed much progress in the peace process, but much remains to be done before the full implementation of the Peace Agreement is achieved. Security in some areas is still fragile, and the safety of former combatants and community workers are still being threatened. It is hoped that the government of Colombia and all the parties concerned, in the face of these challenges, will cherish the hard-won achievements, take up their respective responsibilities and obligations and bear in mind the fundamental interest of the country by continuing their consultation with the necessary patience to find a solution to their dispute, and work together with the UN Verification Mission in its mediation efforts, in order to promote the peace process in Colombia for greater and more solid and positive progress.

China is ready to work with other members of the Security Council in supporting the efforts of the Colombian government, the dialogues among the parties, the work of the Verification Mission and the peace process in Colombia, in order to make positive contributions to the realization of complete peace, stability and development in the country.