Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Zhang Jun on the UN Security Council Resolution Authorizing the Deployment of a Multinational Security Support Mission to Haiti

2023-10-02 17:06  Print

Mr. President,

China expresses its deepest sympathy for the tragic situation of the Haitian people, and has been working to increase the Council's attention to the issue of Haiti, demanding that the Haitian authorities and all political parties and factions assume their respective responsibilities and calling on UN agencies and relevant international and regional partners to provide targeted assistance to Haiti.

China appreciates Kenya's willingness to lead a multinational security support mission and to play an active role, together with some CARICOM countries, in improving the security situation in Haiti. Over the last few weeks, we have been engaging Council members in thorough consultations to deliver an appropriate framework to facilitate the deployment of a multinational security support mission.

The consultations have centered on the invocation of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, among others. Proceeding from the principles of respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs, China has always taken a cautious and responsible approach on the Council's invocation of Chapter VII on the authorization of the use of force. In previous practices, there have been precedents of abusing Chapter VII authorization. However, in light of the current social security situation in Haiti and the concerns and appeals of the international community, especially those of CARICOM countries, and based on our trust in friendly countries, China has taken a constructive position on the adoption of this resolution. 

In accordance with the resolution just voted on, we hope that the country leading the multinational security support mission will hold in-depth consultations with Haiti on the specific arrangements for the deployment of the mission, with a view to reaching agreement and ensuring that these arrangements will be supported by the Haitian people. Also, timely reporting should be submitted to the Council. At the same time, the implementation of this resolution must comply with international law and the basic norms governing international relations, and avoid infringing on the sovereignty of other countries or interfering in their internal affairs. 

Mr. President, 

Without a legitimate, effective, and responsible government in place, any external support can hardly have any lasting effects. The Haitian authorities and all parties and factions should reach the broadest possible consensus on transitional arrangements as soon as possible and come up with a feasible and credible timetable. Regrettably, the resolution just adopted fails to send the strongest signal in that regard. With China's facilitation, the resolution recognizes the efforts made by CARICOM to promote a political settlement of the Haitian crisis. We urge the Haitian authorities and all parties and factions to respond positively to the mediation efforts by CARICOM and BINUH, work in the fundamental interests of the people, demonstrate sincerity for conducting dialogue and assuming their responsibilities, and create conditions conducive for the early holding of free and fair elections. 

Mr. President, 

At the strong request of China and with the support of the vast majority of Council members, the penholders have finally taken on board China's views and through this resolution explicitly request all countries to take all steps to cut off the sources and channels through which Haitian gangs obtained small arms, light weapons, and ammunition. This is a very important decision. If the Council had taken this step at an earlier time, the security situation in Haiti might not have deteriorated to what it is today. Starting from here and now, all countries are obligated to take concrete actions in accordance with Council resolutions and contribute to curbing gang violence in Haiti and protecting the safety of lives of the Haitian people. 

Mr. President, 

The multiple crises in Haiti are intertwined, of which security issues are only one dimension. Therefore, a holistic approach is required to find a comprehensive solution. Within this month, the Council will have opportunities to hold in-depth consultations and discussions on the political situation in Haiti, the sanctions regime, and BINUH’s work. China looks forward to working with the international community and Council members to assist and support the Haitian people in finding the right path out of their crises.

Thank you, Mr. President.