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Statement by Ambassador Wu Haitao at Security Council Meeting on the Humanitarian Situation in Syria

2019-06-25 23:52

Mr. President,

I thank USG Lowcock and Major-General Bakin, Head of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria for their briefings. I also thank the Russian representative for providing first-hand information about the situation on the ground in Syria, especially in Idlib De-escalation Zone. I have listened carefully to the statement by Mr. Lillie. China has been following the humanitarian situation in Syria, and supports the untiring efforts of the UN and relevant parties to improve the humanitarian situation there.

At present, the humanitarian situation in Idlib has attracted the attention from the international community. The Council has met many times on this matter. We hope that our discussions will help Council members deepen the communication and understand the situation on the ground comprehensively. China supports Russia and Turkey in continuing to implement the Memorandum, promoting de-escalation of conflict in Idlib and adopting unified criteria in fighting terrorist groups according to the relevant Council resolutions and international law. Given the current situation, all parties should jointly seek comprehensive and long-term solutions to counter-terrorism and humanitarian issues in the northwestern part of Syria. The UN and other relevant parties should scale up humanitarian assistance to the IDPs in the northwestern part of Syria.

Mr. President,

China is concerned about the humanitarian problems in other parts of Syria and IDP camps. We stand for solutions tailored to the situation on the ground.

We have noted that about 1,000 displaced Syrians in the Al-Hol camp have returned to their homes. We support proper settlement of the people in the camps. The international community should enhance dialogue and communication on the issue of the Rukeban camp and coordinate actions, so that more Syrians can return to their homes as soon as possible and end their displacement.

The humanitarian relief operations in Syria should fully respect Syria’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity, strictly follow Council resolutions, the principles governing UN humanitarian relief and relevant international law. Communication and coordination with the Syrian government should be strengthened. In areas where the security situation is relatively stable, the international community should support the Syrian government in demining, rebuilding infrastructure, restoring health care, education and social services, launching industrial projects, promoting development and improving people’s livelihood, so that more and more Syrians will step out of the shadow of war and gradually live a stable and orderly life. China is concerned about the negative impact of economic sanctions on the lives of the Syrian people.

Mr. President,

To fundamentally ease the humanitarian situation in Syria, we must continue to advance the political settlement process. China supports the UN in playing its role as the main channel for good offices and supports Special Envoy Pedersen in pushing the Syrian parties to seek solutions that accommodate the concerns of all parties in accordance with the principle of "Syrian-led and Syrian-owned process” and Council resolution 2254. We hope that parties in Syria will narrow their differences and move ahead the political process through dialogue and consultations.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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