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Explanation of Vote by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the UN Security Council on the Resolution on Ukraine

2022-02-27 15:54

Mr. President,

At present, we are witnessing dramatic changes in the Ukraine situation. China has on many occasions made clear its position on the Ukraine issue, and that position remains unchanged.

We believe the top priority now is for all parties to exercise the necessary restraint to prevent the situation in Ukraine from getting worse. China supports and encourages all diplomatic efforts conducive to a peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis, and welcomes the earliest possible direct dialogue and negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. At the same time, China also supports the European side and Russia in conducting equal-footed dialogue on European security issues, and upholding the principle of indivisible security, so as to eventually form a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism.

China believes that the Security Council should give priority to regional peace and stability and the universal security of all countries, and play a constructive role in resolving the Ukraine issue. Actions taken by the UN should help cool the situation and facilitate diplomatic solutions, and restrain from aggravating tensions.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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