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United Nations Peacekeeping Operations (PKO)

2003-10-15 00:00

For years the United Nations peacekeeping operations (PKO) has been an effective means for the United Nations to perform its duty of maintaining international peace and security. The primary role of the United Nations in the field of PKO is irreplaceable. In the new era, PKO should follow the basic principles as tested by history, such as the respect for state sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, as well as impartiality, neutrality, use of force only in self-defense and the prior consent of the parties concern.

In carrying out PKO, the United Nations should do what it is capable of and avoid any exercise of "double standard". In no way should PKO be regarded as a panacea and the deployment of PKO should take place only when essential conditions are met. Proper roles of the regional arrangements in peacekeeping operations are welcome while such activities should follow political guidance of the Security Council in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations. Further more, the United Nations should attach more importance to eradicating the root causes of conflicts by tackling both the symptoms and causes of conflict. Recent years have witnessed a larger role of the United Nations in the field of preventive diplomacy and post-conflict peace building. When properly handled, such activities could play a positive role in eliminating disputes and conflicts. Only by following the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations could efforts in preventing conflicts and peace building be successful. Special attention must be given to respecting the sovereignty of state, non-interference of internal affairs and the will of respective governments and people.

The Brahimi Report put forward a number of valuable suggestions and recommendations, thus providing a good basis for further deliberation of strengthening the UN peacekeeping operations capacity. China backs the endeavor to enhance the efficiency of the United Nations peacekeeping capacity, favors an early implementation of the realistic and practicable recommendations in the Report. These include formulation of clear and achievable mission mandate, enhancing the United Nations rapid deployment capacity, strengthening of consultations between the Security Council and the Troop Contributing Countries, reform of the DPKO and strengthening of interdepartmental coordination.

China attaches great importance to and actively participates in the United Nations peacekeeping operations. Up to January of 2000, China has contributed military observers, civilian police, civilian specialists and election observers to 12 United Nations peacekeeping operations such as UNTSO, UNIKOM, and has dispatched Engineering Contingent to UN peacekeeping operation in Cambodia.

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