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Remarks by Ambassador Li Baodong at the Security Council on the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

2012-06-20 04:52

(Photo by Shen Hong / Xinhua News Agency)


I should like to thank Under-Secretary-General Ladsous and the four Force Commanders for their briefings.

The four Force Commanders of United Nations peacekeeping operations make important contributions to the maintenance of international peace and security by implementing the mandates given by the Security Council. I wish to pay tribute to all the Force Commanders and chief military observers, and, through them, to all United Nations peacekeepers around the world.

As the international situation undergoes complex changes, United Nations peacekeeping operations also face many challenges. To respond to those challenges, we need to better coordinate, better make use of the resources available and better manage peacekeeping operations around the globe. In that regard, I appreciate the efforts made and the progress achieved by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations under the leadership of Under-Secretary-General Ladsous.

Having heard this morning's briefings, I shall focus on three points in my statement.

First, peacekeeping operations should always adhere to the principle of objectivity and neutrality. Host countries and regions in which there are peacekeeping operations often find themselves in a complicated political environment. Peacekeeping operations should abide strictly with the mandates of the Security Council, respect the will and choice of the people of host countries and become promoters and mediators in the political process and national reconciliation of host countries. While carrying out their mandate, peacekeeping operations should pay great attention to the views of the parties concerned in the host countries, respect the local culture and have the trust and support of the people of the host countries.

Secondly, mandate planning for integrated missions should be strengthened. Peacekeeping operation mandates have become increasingly complex and multidimensional. In the course of carrying out their mandates, peacekeeping operations should have clear priorities. The relationship between long-term and short-term objectives should be addressed properly. When formulating mandates for peacekeeping operations, the Security Council should take into full consideration the particular situation of host countries and take a pragmatic approach. Once mandates are given, the necessary resources and instruments should be guaranteed.

Thirdly, different components of peacekeeping operations should strengthen their coordination to generate synergy to foster the achievement of stability and strengthen institution-building in host countries. Military and civilian components of peacekeeping operations should have a clear division of labor and utilize their respective advantages with a view to achieving a seamless transition between peacekeeping and peace building.

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