Statement by Chu Guang of the Chinese Delegationat the first regular session of UN-Women Executive Board in 2016 |
2016-02-10 22:26 |
Mr. President: 2015 was a landmark year for the global women’s cause. The review of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, on its 20th anniversary, was successful. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development contains a stand-alone goal on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, while mainstreaming the concept through eleven other goals, including those addressing poverty, health, education, water and sanitation. Last September, China co-hosted with UN-Women a Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women(Global Leaders’ Meeting). Leaders from more than 80 countries made specific commitments in terms of accelerating the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and realizing goals related to women in the 2030 Agenda. The meeting, the first of its kind held at the State leader level, was of historical significance. Meanwhile, UN-Women has made great efforts in implementing its Strategic Plan 2014-2017 and actively promoted the mainstreaming of the gender perspective in the UN system. Good results have been achieved. China commends the accomplishments and wishes to make the following observations. First, rationalize resource allocation by concentrating on the core work. UN-Women should promote the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda as the core objective of the work, fully carrying out the Strategic Plan 2014-2017, and to ensure the resource requirements in the priority areas. China has taken note of the 12 Flagship Programming Initiatives (FPIs) proposed by UN-Women. We hope that these initiatives are integrated into the goals related to women and girls contained in the 2030 Agenda and the priority areas in the Strategic Plan to advance the work in a steady manner. Second, increase input in women’s development. Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls should be considered not only from the human rights angle, but more importantly from the development angle. Development is the priority and prerequisite for gender equality. UN-Women field projects should emphasize both perspectives, balancing human rights and development. Continued attention must be paid to the actual needs in developing countries in the areas such as poverty reduction for women, education, health and employment. Greater effort must be made in the provision of assistance. Third, strengthen dialogue and cooperation with Member States. China supports the coordinating role played by UN-Women in promoting the incorporation of goals and targets related to women contained in the 2030 Agenda in the countries’ domestic strategic development programs and the translation of commitments made at the Global Leaders’ Meeting into concrete actions. UN-Women field offices should pay attention to the full leadership role by the countries concerned, determine the priorities and implement the practical and cooperative projects according to the country-specific situations and stage of development. Forth, maintain and further expand funding channels and increase the fund utilization efficiency. UN-Women should increase transparency in fund utilization, attract more contribution by non-traditional donors and strive for greater contribution to the core resources. The multi-year donation format should be encouraged so as to ensure predictability and sustainability of resources. Internal management should be enhanced so as to further raise operating efficiency, cut operating costs and strengthen accountability. The Chinese government has always attached importance to gender equality and women’s empowerment and has actively assisted developing countries in this aspect. To this end, President Xi Jinping of China at the Global Leaders’ Meeting announced a series of measures, which the Chinese government is stepping up efforts to actively implement. We stand ready to work with UN-Women and other members of the Executive Board to make further contribution to the cause of women worldwide. Thank you, Mr. President. |