Madam Chair,
The Chinese delegation associates itself with the statement made by Bolivia on behalf of G77 and China and takes note of the reports submitted by the Secretary General under these agenda items.
As a grave violation of human equality and dignity, racism has inflicted psychological wounds on its victims that have remained unhealed till today. There has recently been a resurfacing of prejudice, xenophobia and racial discrimination in many countries, as evidenced by frequent cases of dissemination of hatred and racism on the internet and incitation of racial discrimination and defamation of religions under the pretext of “freedom of expression”, seriously jeopardizing international efforts for human rights protection.
China is strongly against racism in all its forms and manifestations and has taken an active part in the international community’s fight against racism. We advocate inter-civilization and inter-faith dialogue and exchanges and oppose any act that may offend the religious feeling of Muslims. We support proactive actions with stronger good will to implement the “zero tolerance” policy against racism at both national and international levels. China appreciates the efforts made by the Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent for the full enjoyment of human rights by people of African descent and supports the adoption by the GA of the resolution on the Programme of Action for the Decade for People of African Descent as soon as possible. We support the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action as the guiding documents for the UN in its fight against racism, and call for accelerated implementation of the Programme of Action and the Outcome Document of the Durban Review Conference, so as to create a world free of discrimination, hatred and prejudice.
Madam Chair,
The right to self-determination is a sacred right of all peoples to choose their own political and social systems, economic models and paths towards development; and to safeguard their national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity against any foreign aggression, interference and control. China has always supported the Palestinian people in realizing their right to self-determination and their just cause of independent statehood. China supports Palestine’s further participation in the international community as a state and the achievement of comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East at an early date. We hope that the international community and parties concerned will continue to work tirelessly to advance the Middle East peace process.
In the meantime, however, the right to self-determination should be exercised on the basis of respect for the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the fundamental norms of international relations. China firmly opposes any distortion of self-determination in a way that uses it as an excuse to split a sovereign state or fuel ethnic hatred. Those individuals and organizations with ulterior motives that use the right to self-determination as a disguise to openly advocate the division of sovereign states ought to be condemned and resolutely rejected by all the peoples of the world.
Thank you, Madam Chair.