Madam Chair,
The Chinese delegation thanks Ambassador Ndong Ella, the President of the Human Rights Council, for his introduction to the work of the Human Rights Council. The Council has had a particularly busy year with a heavy workload. China appreciates the diligent work and the dedication of the President and other members of the Bureau. We also appreciate and support the President's effort to improve communication and coordination between New York and Geneva.
As one of the three pillars of the United Nations, the field of human rights has seen its influence and importance continuously on the rise. As the primary body for the promotion and protection of human rights, the Human Rights Council attracts great attention from all sides and is confronted with heavy tasks and multiple challenges. Over the past year, the Human Rights Council has done a lot of work in protecting the rights of vulnerable groups such as women, children, immigrants and persons with disabilities, in promoting the right to development, in fighting racism and in combatting violence and impunity. We commend these efforts.
At the same time, the development of the Council also faces multiple challenges. First, its overburdened agenda has led to continuous reduction of the time given to member states for discussing various items. It also resulted in inadequate consultations on draft resolutions and low effectiveness of the Council’s work. Secondly, political confrontation is becoming increasingly acute. Some countries insist on naming and shaming, practicing double standards and selectivity, and forcing the adoption of resolutions on questions where grave differences still exist among member states, thus impairing the atmosphere of dialogue and cooperation at the Council. Thirdly, different categories of human rights fail to get equal attention. Some countries impose their national values upon others and focus solely on promoting civil and political rights while neglecting or even openly opposing the mentioning of economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development. Fourthly, some NGOs abuse their consultative status and damage the sovereignty and territorial integrity of member states, violating the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.
In the view of China, better fulfillment of the positive role of the Human Rights Council and enhancement of the Council’s credibility are essential for maintaining its authority and improving its efficacy. We hope the Council will pay adequate attention to the above mentioned problems, act within the mandate given by the General Assembly, adhere to the principles of objectivity, impartiality and non-selectivity, improve its working methods, make sure to respect the historical, cultural and religious backgrounds of all countries and regions, attach equal importance to various categories of human rights and truly provide a platform for constructive dialogue and cooperation on the question of human rights. China is ready to join others in working relentlessly towards this goal.
Thank you, Madam Chair.