Madam chair,
We take note of the special rapporteur’s introduction.
China’s position on country-specific human rights is clear. We oppose forcibly establishing country-specific human rights mandates without the consent of the countries in question as doing so is conducive neither to dialogue and problem solving nor to the promotion and protection of human rights.
Since general elections were held successfully in Myanmar, various political agendas moved forward in an orderly fashion. We appreciate the fact that the new government, since taking office, has endeavoured to maintain social stability and develop economy, launched a national reconciliation and peace process, and made positive progress in promoting and protecting economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights. Based on China’s consistent position and the positive developments in Myanmar, China does not deem it necessary to extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur.
As a friendly neighbour of Myanmar, China will continue to support Myanmar in embarking on a development path suitable to its national conditions and support its efforts to preserve domestic stability and ethnic harmony. It is important for the international community to view the human rights situation in Myanmar impartially and objectively, understand the practical difficulties Myanmar faces as a developing country, and continue to provide a favourable external environment for the reform, development and stability of Myanmar. The OHCHR may, upon request from the Myanmar government, proactively provide technical assistance in the field of human rights and UN development system entities should help Myanmar achieve socioeconomic development so as to lay a solid foundation for the promotion and protection of human rights by the Myanmar government.
Thank you, madam chair.