Statement by WANG Zhaoxue of the Chinese Delegation at the General Debate on Crime Prevention, Criminal Justice and Drug Control at the 3rd Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly

2017-10-05 01:00  Print

Mr. Chairman,

While the international community has made positive headway in the areas of crime prevention, criminal justice, fighting corruption, combatting transnational organized crime, and drug control, there still exist serious challenges that call for enhanced cooperative response.

First, nowadays new types of crime keep cropping up, cybercrime and transnational tele-fraud in particular. Since the beginning of this year, a number of cases involving malicious ransomware have sounded the alarm on global cyber security. China commends the progress made by the UN Expert Group on Cybercrime, encourages the group to dive into the substance of cybercrime, and supports the elaboration under the UN auspices of an international legal instrument on cybercrime. China wishes to thank the countries concerned for their assistance in combatting transnational tele-fraud. We also take seriously crimes relating to wildlife and the illegal trafficking in cultural properties, and stand ready to enhance cooperation with all parties.

Second, China accords great importance to the fight against corruption and the international anti-corruption cooperation. We look forward to a successful 7th session of the Conference of the States Parties to the UN Convention against Corruption. It is incumbent on all states parties to faithfully implement the Convention by clearing up political and legal hurdles obstructing international cooperation in hunting down fugitives and recovering illicit assets, so as to deny the corrupt elements and their illicit proceeds any safe haven. States parties need to uphold the principles of non-interference in internal affairs and respect for sovereignty, and maintain the inter-governmental nature of the review mechanism in conducting the work in the second review cycle and improve efficiency.

Third, parties need to be more proactive in applying the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, taking it as the legal basis for mutual legal assistance, extradition and cooperation in asset recovery. China supports the establishment of a proper, results-oriented and efficient compliance review mechanism. Parties need to act upon consensus in designing the rules governing the review mechanism, stay true to the intergovernmental, non-intrusive and non-penalizing nature of the process with emphasis on efficiency, draw on the experience of the compliance review mechanism of the UN Convention against Corruption, and ensure stable financial resources for the mechanism.

The issue of trafficking in persons must be tackled with a multi-pronged approach, engaging sectors from education to legislation, law enforcement and social security. The key is to combat acts of trafficking by strengthening law enforcement cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination. Mass migration poses a major challenge to the international community. Bearing in mind the positive contribution migrants make to the sustainable development of countries of origin and destination, countries need to facilitate safe, regular and orderly migration while cracking down on migrant smuggling with attention focused on addressing its root causes such as poverty and uneven development among different regions.

Fourth, on the question of drugs, the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action, the 2014 Joint Ministerial Statement and the 2016 Outcome Document of the Special Session of the General Assembly complement and reinforce one another. The implementation of these three documents must stay high on every government’s agenda. The world drug problem must be addressed in a comprehensive, integrated and balanced fashion. China supports the international drug control system anchored in the three main drug control conventions, and stands opposed to legalization of illicit drugs in all its forms. We support the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and the International Narcotics Control Board in playing a leading role in drug control according to their respective mandates, and will not endorse any practice that might weaken their status or role. In fighting the drug scourge, human rights should be safeguarded and promoted with due consideration to the need to ensure social order, public welfare and shared interests. It is essential to avoid undue emphasis on human rights at the cost of efficacy of drug-related law enforcement. Countries are entitled to crafting their own drug policies tailored to their national specificities in accordance with the three drug control conventions. The abolition of the capital punishment should not be linked with the drug problem. While concerning itself with the lack of basic drugs in some countries, the international community should not lose sight of drug abuse, overdose and illegal diversion of controlled substances that are plaguing certain other countries.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.