Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the ChineseMission to the UN at the Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development at the Third Committee of the 72nd General Assembly

2017-10-17 04:00  Print

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation has taken note of the report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development and listened carefully to his presentation.

China appreciates the effective work carried out by the Special Rapporteur in the short period since he took office and his detailed report, and is ready to continue to support him in performing his duties in an objective, impartial and effective manner.

Development is the eternal theme of the human society and the right to development is an inalienable universal right. At present, the realization of this right at the global level falls far short of expectations. All parties need to be guided by the UN Declaration on the Right to Development, effectively implement the 2030 Agenda and promote the realization of the right to development so as to ensure a life in dignity for everyone.

In order to fully realize the right to development, China wishes to put forward the following proposals:

First, strictly abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect the social systems and development paths chosen by countries themselves and ensure peaceful and stable development. Second, promote the establishment of more equitable and rational international political and economic orders to ensure the equal participation in development and equitable sharing of the fruits thereof by all countries. Third, work to rectify the imbalance in development between the North and the South. In this regard, the developed countries must honor their commitments, increase assistance to the developing countries and prioritize in their assistance eradication of hunger and poverty and realization of the rights to survival and to development. Fourth, put into practice the principle of people-centred development in all related areas, strive for inclusive economic growth so that all people are able to benefit more from the fruits of development in a more equitable manner. Fifth, the UN human rights organs should set as a priority the promotion of the right to development and make further efforts to effectively realize the right to development throughout the world.

Mr. Chairman,

China upholds the development concept that puts people at the center and sets as both the intent and the purpose of its development endeavor improvement of its people’s welfare, guarantee of its people’s ownership and promotion of all-round human development. We have thus effective safeguarded our people’s rights and interests related to development and charted a course of development with Chinese characteristics. China has taken an active part in global governance and worked to advance inclusive development in an effort to create conditions and opportunities for the sharing of development results by the people of all countries, especially developing countries.

As an advocator, practitioner and promoter of the right to development, China is willing to work together with the rest of the international community to effectively implement the Declaration on the Right to Development and promote development at the global level so that all people can fully enjoy the right to development.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.