Mr. Chairman,
China supports the efforts of the international community to eliminate and prevent enforced or involuntary disappearances. All countries need to take measures to prevent enforced disappearances, and combat and punish this crime according to law. However, whether it is prevention and elimination of enforced disappearances or providing relief and compensation to the victims, it is imperative to let national law to fully play its role and address such matters according to the laws of the countries concerned.
Mr. Chairman,
China is resolutely against enforced disappearances. Our Constitution and laws explicitly provide for the physical freedom of our citizens and forbid illegal restriction of other people's physical freedom by any organization, institution or individual.
The Chinese government is committed to cooperating with special procedures, including the working group on enforced or involuntary disappearances, and has provided timely and to-the-point replies to the communications from the working group. We hope that the working group will strictly abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the Code of Conduct for Special Procedures Mandate-holders in conducting its work, closely follow its mandate, perform its duties in an objective and impartial way, use true and reliable information, respect the judicial sovereignty of countries and engage in constructive dialogue and cooperation with national governments.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.