Mr. Chairman,
China takes note of the presentation by the special rapporteur. China has always maintained that countries should engage in constructive dialogue and cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual respect and work together to identify effective ways and means to promote and protect human rights so that their differences in the field of human rights can be addressed properly. China is against the imposition of special mechanism without the consent of the country concerned for we believe that this will neither be conducive to dialogue or cooperation nor contribute to the promotion of human rights in that country.
China welcomes the progress that Iran has made in the promotion and protection of human rights. China appreciates the positive efforts by the Iranian government to implement recommendations from the national review on human rights by adopting the Charter on Civil Rights, creating a body for the implementation of the Charter, establishing a post of special advisor on minorities and inviting the special mechanism under the Human Rights Council for a national visit. China hopes that the international community will take a comprehensive and objective view of the progress Iran has made and the challenges it still faces in the field of human rights, respect Iran's religious and cultural traditions and engage in constructive dialogue and cooperation with Iran with a view to playing a constructive role in Iran's human rights cause.