Statement by Ms. QU Jiehao during the Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders

2017-10-25 10:00  Print

Mr. Chairman,

China takes note of the report submitted by Mr. Forst and has listened attentively to the statement by the special rapporteur.

China also takes note of the unverified information and data that the special rapporteur quoted in his report to make unwarranted comments on China and multilateral financial institutions such as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Band and the New Development Bank. China expresses it concern in this regard and hopes that the special rapporteur will strictly comply with his mandate, use truthful and reliable information, carry out his activities in a just and objective manner and engage with countries in constructive dialogue and cooperation.

Committed to the promotion and protection of human rights at all times, the Chinese government supports activities to promote and protect human rights within China's legal framework. China is of the view that as there is no clear and universal definition worked out through intergovernmental negotiation on "human rights defenders", countries have different views on who can be defined as "human rights defenders". All people should enjoy the same human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis. Human rights defenders should not be regarded as a special group to be granted special rights and status. Those who have violated law or engaged in criminal activities in the name of "human rights defenders" to undermine the interests of the majority of people or public order should be brought to justice according to law.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.