Explanatory Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the Chinese Delegation on the Draft Resolution "Situation of Human Rights the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly

2017-11-14 00:00  Print

Mr. Chairman,

China has consistently maintained that constructive dialogue and cooperation should be carried out on the basis of equality and mutual respect in dealing with differences in the field of human rights. We rejects politicization of human right issues and the practice of exerting pressure on other countries. We are against country-specific resolutions on human rights. We hope that actions by the international community will contribute to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula rather than the opposite.

In view of this, the Chinese delegation will not join the consensus on the draft resolution entitled Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.