Explanatory Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the Chinese Delegation Before Voting on the Draft Resolution "Situation of human Rights in Myanmar" at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly

2017-11-16 00:00  Print

Mr. Chairman,

China has always maintained that differences in the field of human rights should be addressed through constructive dialogue and cooperation based on equality and mutual respect. China opposes politicizing the human rights issue and exerting pressure on other countries over the human rights issue. China opposes country-specific resolutions on human rights.

The issue of Rakhine State involves complicated historical, ethnic and religious factors, and is the result of many differences and contradictions accumulated over a long period of time. The Myanmar government is making positive effort to ease the situation of Rakhine State, which is becoming stable. The governments of Myanmar and Bangladesh are seeking solutions through negotiations and consultations. China commends the government of Bangladesh for its its all-out assistance to those seeking shelter in its territory even when it’s going through difficulties of its own. The United Nations and the international community should remain patient and provide constructive assistance to Myanmar instead of complicating the issue.

For reasons stated above, the Chinese delegation will vote against the draft resolution “Situation of human Rights in Myanmar”.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.