Explanation of Position by Counsellor YAO Shaojun on the Draft Resolution "Protection of and Assistance to Internally Displaced Persons"

2017-11-20 23:00  Print

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation will join the consensus on the draft resolution entitled “protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs)" ( A/C.3/72/L.46/Rev.1)

According to international law and the "Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement", States have the primary duty and responsibility for providing protection of and humanitarian assistance to the IDPs within their jurisdiction. Each country should honor its obligation under international law by addressing the root causes of internal displacement and seeking durable solutions to internal displacement. The international community should, upon request, provide support and assistance to the countries concerned. The relevant humanitarian assistance thus provided should be in line with the guiding principles on humanitarian assistance as established in GA resolution 46/182, which should also be the prerequisite for the effective delivery of humanitarian relief and assistance.

China has noted that in the draft resolution, reference is made to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center and Nansen Initiative. Since China has not involved itself with the relevant organizations and initiatives, the fact that China has joined the consensus does not signify any acknowledgement by China of the related work of these organizations and initiatives. China will, in light of its own needs, examine the merits and necessity of carrying out cooperation with the relevant organization and initiatives.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.