Mr. Chairman,
China joins the consensus on draft resolution A/C.3/72/L.43/Rev.1, entitled “ Protection of Migrants”. I would like to take the opportunity to further explain our positions.
The New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants adopted in September 2016 reaffirms our commitment to international law, and emphasizes that the declaration is to be implemented in a manner that is consistent with the rights and obligations of States under international law. While it contains a series of commitments to refugees and migrants, the Declaration also specifies that in implementing these commitments, different national realities, capacities and levels of development must be taken into account and national policies and priorities must be respected. Under international law, countries have the right and the responsibility to manage and control over their borders and formulate policies for immigration and entry-exit administration in light of their situations, including by taking necessary legal and administrative measures against irregular border crossings that violate these policies.
As migration is a multi-dimensional issue, our response should be a holistic and concerted one. We should formulate policies for safe, orderly and regular migration and expand channels for regular migration. We also need to enhance cooperation against human trafficking, smuggling and other forms of irregular migration so as to create a favorable environment for regular migration. On the protection of migrants, we must protect their human rights and fundamental freedom, eliminate discrimination and xenophobia and help them integrate into local communities. At the same time, migrants should also accept the administration of the host countries, abide by the laws and regulations, follow local customs and actively integrate into local communities and cultures.
I request this statement to be included in the meeting record and the report of the Third Committee.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.