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Remarks by Ambassador Dai Bing at the Interactive Dialogue with Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly

2022-10-13 12:00

Mr. Chair,

China thanks ASG H.E. Ms. Ilze Brands Kehris for her briefing, and allies itself with Venezuela’s statement on behalf of the Group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter.

Mr. Chair,

To promote and protect human rights through solidarity and cooperation is the shared responsibility of the international community. The human rights cause of each country must be based on its own national conditions and the needs of its people. It is the people of a country that have the biggest say in the quality of human rights there. China does not accept any condescending lecturing on human rights, and opposes the politicization of and double standards in human rights issues.

Today, the US, EU, Japan, and a few other countries have pointed fingers at developing countries in their statements to provoke confrontation, while totally ignoring their own terrible human rights track record. This only exposes their political scheme to use human rights as an excuse to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. Those countries, with their hypocrisy and double standards, are in fact the biggest saboteur of international human rights cooperation.

I must point out that the so-call assessment on Xinjiang produced by the OHCHR does not have a legal mandate, does not have the consent of the country concerned, and does not have any facts to support its claims. It is totally illegal and invalid. The assessment is way different from the statement by the previous High Commissioner after her visit to China, and it was released in haste only 15 minutes before the High Commissioner left the office. The assessment is a perverse product of the coercive diplomacy by the US and some other western countries. On October 6, the HRC solemnly rejected the Xinjiang-related draft resolution tabled by the US and some other western countries, and refused to recognize the so-called assessment by the OHCHR. This is a victory for facts and truth, and a victory for all developing countries.

I need to point out that Hong Kong, as an international financial hub, is showing great vitality with the implementation of the One Country, Two Systems. And in Tibet, we have scored human rights progress across the board. The world has already seen through the lies on Xinjiang and Tibet fabricated by the US. Its attempts to destabilize China are doom to fail.

I also need to point out that the US and a few other countries should face up to and address the poor track record of their own human rights issues, including the genocide of native Americans, systematic racial discrimination and police brutality against ethnic minorities, and unilateral coercive measures against developing countries. I strongly call on the OHCHR to show its fairness and courage, and conduct investigation and accountability for the US infringement on human rights, and release relevant reports, if it wants to earn trust from the international community.

Mr. Chair,

China will work with all countries for the sound development of global human rights governance.

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