Statement by Ms. ZHANG Dan, Counsellor & Deputy Representative of the Chinese Delegation,at the Third Committee of the 64th Session of the General Assembly on Advancement of Women (Item 62)

2009-10-12 16:00  Print

(12 October 2009, New York)

Mr. Chairman,

The advancement of women and promotion of women's rights require the concerted efforts of the international community. China commends the United Nations and the international community for their vigorous efforts in promoting gender equality. The year 2010 marks the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and the 10th anniversary of the Outcome Document of the twenty-third Special Session of the General Assembly on Women. The international community should take this opportunity to further international cooperation based on respect for each country's specific situation and path of development, and intensify efforts for the full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action as well as the Outcome Document of the GA Special Session on Women.

The current international financial crisis has not only severely affected the economic development of countries around the world, but also brought about daunting challenges for gender equality and women's enjoyment of basic rights such as health, employment and education. The international community should fully recognize the impact of the crisis on women so as to formulate policies and programs that incorporate the gender perspective, and solicit views of women organizations in decision making. The Chinese government supports the United Nations in playing a greater role in adequately responding to the crisis and promoting gender equality. This year, ECOSOC conducted in-depth discussions on gender inequality in the area of health. The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women and other relevant organs also held seminars to analyze the impact of the financial crisis from the gender perspective. The Chinese government expresses its appreciation for the above-mentioned targeted and timely activities. We urge the international community to further strengthen solidarity and overcome difficulties, especially to increase assistance to the developing countries in order to help them maintain economic and social stability and safeguard the basic rights and interests of women and children.

Mr. Chairman,

The 63rd session of the GA adopted by consensus a resolution on UN system-wide coherence, in which the GA decided to consolidate the existing gender bodies of the UN into a new composite entity. The Chinese delegation participated constructively in the consultations on the gender architecture reform and we welcome the progress of the reform made thus far. We hope that the parties concerned adhere to the principle of openness, transparency and comprehensiveness and continue inter-governmental consultations during this session of the GA on the mandate, organizational structure and source of funding of this new entity. Like other developing countries, China hopes that reform in other important areas such as governance and funding will also yield progress so as to realize comprehensive and simultaneous reform in the area of economic and social development.

Mr. Chairman,

China always stands for gender equality. In conscientious implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, we have incorporated women's development in our overall national development plan with a view to promoting the wide participation of women in political, economic and social fields. We have worked actively to improve the relevant rules and regulations and formulated the "Opinions on Preventing and Deterring Domestic Violence", the "Action Plan to Crack Down on the Abduction and Trafficking in Women and Children (2008-2012)", and the "National Human Rights Action Plan". Efforts have been made to promote women's employment and entrepreneurship. Strong support and effective services have been provided to women's ventures through a range of measures such as provision of small loans with less interest, policy counseling service, information dissemination and go-between services. We have intensified support to rural women, implemented in earnest the UN resolution on "Improvement of the Situation of Women in Rural Areas", further enhanced rural women's participation in politics and provided help to their endeavor to eradicate poverty and start their own business. The government lays emphasis on the education and training for rural women with a view to tapping their potentials. Equal attention is paid to ensuring health service for rural women. Safeguarding women's rights and interests is yet another focus of attention and many measures were adopted to safeguard women's human rights and eliminate violence against women. In various parts of China, more than 3,200 "rights protection courts", "collegiate panel on rights protection", and "collegiate panel against domestic violence" have been set up together with over 27,000 legal aid centers for women, over 2,000 domestic violence complaint centers, over 400 domestic violence shelters for women, and over 350 injury examination centers of domestic violence. These institutions have contributed significantly to protecting women's rights.

Mr. Chairman,

The advancement of women and promotion of women's progress is a symbol of the development and progress of human civilization. China is ready to work together with the international community to continue to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, as well as the Outcome Document of the GA Special Session on Women and strive for the realization of the Millennium Development Goals.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.