Statement by Ambassador WANG Min at the Second Regular Session for 2011 of the Executive Board of UN-Women

2011-12-05 04:00  Print


Madam Chair,

The Chinese delegation has noted the presentation made by Ms.Michelle Bachelet, UN-Women Executive Director and Under-Secretary-General, on the reports of the annual session of 2011 as well as the Institutional Budget for UN-Women for the biennium 2012-2013. The Chinese delegation would like to thank the Secretariat of Executive Board for its hard work in preparing the second regular session.

Madam Chair,

The year of 2011 marked the first year for UN-Women’s establishment and operation. Over the past year, UN-Women has, under the leadership of Executive Director Ms. Bachelet, carried out effective work, by responding to the severe challenges faced by women around the globe, enhancing the coordination work on women within the UN system and promoting the gender equality and women development. The Chinese delegation would like to express its appreciation in this regard.

Madam Chair,

The Chinese delegation has carefully studied the report of the Institutional Budget Estimates for UN-Women for the biennium 2012-2013 and would like to make the following comments:

First, the principle of national ownership and leadership should be strictly followed. According to the Institutional Budget Estimates for UN-Women for the biennium 2012-2013, one of the priorities for UN-Women in the next two years is to strengthen country-level engagement. China is of the view that in terms of field presence, UN-Women should always take the request of recipient countries as the prerequisite of setting up and strengthening the field offices, in full respect of the national conditions and demands of recipient countries. No matter it is to add new country presences or strengthen capacity of existing country offices, the work should be done in a step-by-step manner in accordance with development phases, actual conditions and specific aspirations of recipient countries.

Secondly, the under-representation of developing countries should be enhanced. The principles of openness, transparency and equitable geographical distribution should be followed in the forthcoming regional architecture review as well as in budget planning, fund and human resources allocation. The under-representation of developing countries in the above regards should be corrected. The Chinese delegation agrees with the relevant suggestions in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions and views that UN-Women should report regularly detailed information of new posts to the Executive Board for its approval and review.

Thirdly, the development of women needs further attention. At present, the global economic, financial, energy and food crises have posed severe challenges to women’s development. UN-Women should fully take into account of the urgent issues with regard to women’s development, take the actual development needs of women in developing countries as the priorities, and effectively increase its support and assistance to developing countries in fields such as poverty alleviation, education, medical care, employment and etc.

Madam Chair,

The Chinese government always attaches great importance to the role of UN-Women and has been very supportive of its work.The Chinese delegation has taken an active part in all the work of the Commission on the Status of Women and the Executive Board and has played a constructive role.China hosted the International Forum on Women and Sustainable Development in Beijing in November. In answer to the call of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development next year, all participants from different countries and regions have explored deeply the important role of women in sustainable development.

China is willing to continue to maintain its sound partnership and conduct constructive exchanges and cooperation with UN-Women as well as all members of the Executive Board, on the basis of equal consultation, mutual respect and benefits, so as to strive for new progress for the global women’s cause.

Thank you, Madam Chair.