Statement by Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of China at the 2012 Annual Session of the UN-Women Executive Board

2012-05-29 04:00  Print


Mr. Chairman,

I am glad to see a gentleman sitting as the Chair of the Executive Board of UN-Women. China is convinced that under your leadership, the current session will yield fruitful results.

The Chinese delegation has noted with appreciation the statement made just by H.E. Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN-Women. We also appreciate the work by the secretariat of UN-Women in preparation for this session. 2011 was a year of institutional building for UN-Women. Over the past year, under the leadership of Executive Director Ms. Bachelet and in line with the mandate of relevant General Assembly resolution, UN-Women has spared no effort to implement its Strategic Plan 2011-2013, carry out operational activities, strengthen coordination with other actors in the UN system, undertake its regional architecture review, and optimize its internal management. China commends the progress UN-Women has made in these areas.

Mr. Chairman,

In recent years, women across the world have played an increasingly important role in promoting sustainable development, and maintaining peace and stability. Having said that, the global economic recovery is staggering, some regions are plagued by turbulence, natural disasters, food crisis and social crisis occur from time to time, and unemployment is often at record high. Women usually bear the brunt of such impediments and their development is faced with more severe challenges. In particular, international development support and technical assistance fall far short of the demands of women, especially those in developing countries. The above factors have all presented new challenges and requirements for UN-Women.

China has studied seriously the Report of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women on Progress made on the UN-Women Strategic Plan, 2011-2013, Report on Proposed Revision to the Financial Regulations and Rules, Report on the Regional Architecture Review, and Annual Report on the UN-Women Evaluation Function. With regard to the above reports and the work of UN-Women, China would like to make the following comments:

First, on implementation of the Strategic Plan 2011-2013. We have taken note that UN-Women made remarkable progress in six priority areas as well as in internal management. China is of the view that UN-Women should press ahead with its work in the six priority areas in a balanced manner on the basis of the principle of "national ownership". It is important to bear in mind the development stage of the recipient country, ensure the quality and efficiency of operational activities, take effective measures to address the issue of women's development, and avoid linking development assistance with gender index for human rights.

Second, on regional architecture review. China appreciates UN-Women's willingness to face squarely its structural challenge, and its commitment to develop a highly efficient and flexible organizational architecture. In the meantime, China believes that regional architecture review should not be lopsidedly focused on establishment of local offices and decentralization. Instead, it should put emphasis on sorting out the relations among the headquarters, regional centers and field presence in various forms, further improve efficiency, optimize structure and strengthen management. It is necessary to report the adjustment measures and progress to the Executive Board on a regular basis.

Third, on the future work of UN-Women. China maintains that UN-Women should continue to fulfill its dual functions of promoting the inter-governmental process and carrying out operational activities. It needs to attach equal importance to the work of the Commission on the Status of Women and the Executive Board, rather than simply positioning itself as a development agency. The issue of women's development should be given more attention and input. It is important to fully recognize that women's development pave the way for real empowerment of women. Women's important role in promoting sustainable development should be fully utilized. It is also essential to address the requests of developing countries, and increase substantive assistance to the developing world. In personnel allocation, developing countries should have more representation. It is also important to adhere to the principle of "national ownership", respect the national condition, law and cultural customs of the recipient country, and refrain from the one-size-fits-all approach of development and assistance.

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese government highly values the role of UN-Women, and vigorously supports its work. China has taken an active part and played a constructive role in the work of the Commission on the Status of Women and the Executive Board of UN-Women. China will continue to maintain a sound cooperation relationship and engage in constructive dialogue and cooperation with UN-Women and its Executive Board on the basis of mutual respect, consultation on an equal footing, mutual benefit and win-win results. China will work together with UN-Women to push for great progress in the global endeavor of women's development causes.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.