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Statement by Ambassador Wang Min at the 2013 Annual Session of the UN-Women Executive Board

2013-06-25 03:31

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese delegation welcomes the presentation by ASG Puri, Acting Head of UN-Women, and appreciates the preparations made by the Secretariat of the Executive Board for this session.

Mr. Chairman,

In recent years, the intertwining problems of global financial crisis, regional turmoil, natural disaster, digital divide and inadequate public service have seriously impeded the development of the world’s women and posed new challenges to the work of UN-Women. On the other hand, the upcoming Beijing+20 review of the implementation of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the preparation of post-2015 development goals have presented us with new opportunities to further expand the scope of work in relation to women. Having carefully studied the documents submitted by UN-Women, including the progress report on strategic plan 2011-2013, the draft strategic plan 2014-2017, the report on evaluation function and the draft integrated budget, the Chinese delegation wishes to make the following observations:

First, on the overall work of UN-Women. The past year witnessed great efforts by UN-Women to comprehensively implement its strategic plan as mandated by the General Assembly and visible results achieved in policy formulation, operational activities and coordination of UN system-wide gender mainstreaming. Throughout the world, UN-Women has done a tremendous amount of work and implemented numerous projects in the six strategic priorities of women’s participation and leadership in politics, economic empowerment of women, elimination of violence against women, women’s role in peace and security, incorporation of gender equality in national budgets and policies, and enhancement of the formulation and implementation of international policies in the field of women. As a result, many countries have formulated poverty eradication policies more favorable to women, more women have obtained means of production on equal term with men, and private sector has accorded greater importance to gender equality. Thanks to the coordination and facilitation by UN Women, the UN System-wide Action Plan on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment was adopted, further integrating the idea of gender equality in all areas of UN’s work. China highly appreciates all these efforts by UN-Women.

Second, on the strategic plan 2014-2017. China attaches great importance to the formulation of a strategic plan for a new cycle. In our view, national ownership, as an important principle for ensuring the orderly and effective implementation of projects, should continue to be upheld in the new strategic plan and should be borne in mind when it comes to specifics such as regional architecture implementation, project design, monitoring and evaluation. The new strategic plan should pay more attention to women’s development, which is the concern of all developing countries, and increase resource input to address women’s urgent need in areas of poverty eradication, employment, education and health care. In designing indicators for outcomes and outputs, goals for women’s development in the 12 priority areas established by the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action should be taken as a guide and an integrated approach is needed taking into account national conditions and available resources. As a program which will guide the work of UN Women in the coming years, the plan should be a consensus document and it is our hope that UN-Women will broadly seek the views of member states before the strategic plan is adopted in September.

Third, on evaluation. China has taken note of the fact that, in the implementation of its strategic plan, UN-Women conducted timely evaluation of the results of its work, which we believe is helpful to the realization of expected goals and the rational utilization of resources. It is our view that in order to ensure evaluation effectiveness, external evaluators must have adequate qualification, policy training for evaluators must be reinforced and transparency of the use of resources for evaluation must be enhanced. Measures are also needed to follow up on recommendations resulting from evaluation and set up corresponding adjustment and exit mechanisms when problem diagnosed with the project.

Fourth, on finance. China has taken due notice of the financial constraints facing UN-Women. The Chinese government will increase its donation to UN-Women, as the expression of firm commitment and support to the work of the UN in the field of women. At the same time, we hope that UN-Women will work harder at fund raising, expand financing channels and strengthen partnership building with all parties, including the private sector, so as to steadily increase core and non-core resources and reduce financial deficits, thus providing guarantee for the effective implementation of the strategic plan.

Mr. Chairman,

The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the role of UN-Women. It has actively supported the work of UN-Women and played a constructive role in the work of both CSW and UN-Women’s executive board. On the basis of mutual respect, equal consultation, mutual benefit and win-win outcome, we will continue to be fully engaged in UN’s work related to women, and work together with UN-Women and other member states for greater advancement of the cause of women throughout the world.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

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