Statement by Ambassador Wang Min, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the UN, at the 2015 Annual Session of the Executive Board of UN Women

2015-06-30 05:00  Print


Mr. President,

The Chinese delegation welcomes the intervention by Madam Mlambo-Ngcuka, USG and the Executive Director of UN Women. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the 20th anniversary of the implementation of China's basic national policy of gender equality. On September 27th this year, China and UN Women will co-host the Global Leaders' Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment at the UN Headquarters. President Xi Jinping will chair the meeting and make a statement, while United Nations Secretary-General Ban Kim-moon will attend and address the opening ceremony. This meeting will give Member States a powerful impetus to implement Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and to achieve the goals on gender equality in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. We look forward to the participation of world leaders, where they would make further commitments for the promotion of gender equality and women's empowerment, and take concrete action to achieve greater progress globally.

Mr. President,

Last year was the beginning of the implementation of the Strategic Plan 2014-2017. UN Women worked actively to organize "Beijing+20"commemorative activities and other initiatives such as "He for She" and "UNiTE to end violence against women", and pushed for the integration of gender equality and women's empowerment in the Post-2015 Development Agenda and the outcome document of the Conference on Financing for Development. These efforts have achieved positive results, for which China wishes to express its appreciations. Having studied carefully the progress report on the implementation of the Strategic Plan and other documents, China would like to make the following observations regarding the work of UN Women:

First, maintain economic empowerment as a strategic priority. Economic empowerment of women will help improve the health and education of women and children, and is vital for breaking the cycle of inter-generational poverty and maintaining the synergy between economic growth and social development. China supports UN Women to keep economic empowerment as a strategic focus, prioritize the effort to promote equal rights of women in education, health and employment, and actively engage in North-South cooperation and triangular cooperation, so as to advance a development-based approach to women's empowerment.

Secondly, make full use of the evaluation function and enhance institutional capacity building. This year is the International Year of Evaluation. The Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of UN Women will act as the chairperson of the UN Evaluation Group, and evaluation will be conducted, for the first time in cooperation with OIOS, on UN Women's work in normative supporting. China welcomes all these progress, and hopes that UN Women will take this as an opportunity to improve its work in line with recommendations resulting from the evaluation and further enhance its institutional capacity building.

Thirdly, expand the coverage of internal auditing and improve resource monitoring and assessing. Last year, the audit coverage ratio of UN Women was 23%. While it was an improvement compared with previous years, the number is still low. China is in favor of the relevant recommendations of the Audit Advisory Committee aimed at increasing the internal audit coverage ratio of UN Women. At the same time, we propose that UN Women conduct regular monitoring and assessing of its resource volume and financing capacity, so that its operations can be assured of adequate and sustainable support.

Fourthly, optimize resource allocation and increase input to strategic priorities. China has noted that 2014 was a record year for both core and non-core resources mobilization, enabling UN Women to reach its annual budget target for the first time. This is a demonstration of the support of all parties to the work of UN Women. We hope that, based on this, UN Women will further optimize resource allocation and increase investment in strategic priorities. China is giving serious consideration to increasing donation to UN Women, to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

Thank you, Mr. President.