Welcome to this side event on women and biodiversity.
In October last year, the first part of COP15 was successfully held in China. The Kunming Declaration adopted by the Conference, emphasized the important role of women in biodiversity conservation.
Back in 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women has already included "women and the environment" as a major strategic objective in the Beijing Platform for Action. In addressing the challenges of climate change and species loss, it is important to fully understand and explore the relations between gender and biodiversity, and to integrate gender perspective into all aspects of biodiversity conservation, in order to promote gender equality, green development and ecological conservation in a holistic way.
In China, the "She-Power" in ecological conservation is getting stronger. Chinese women actively participate in environmental governance, and contribute unique perspectives to decision makings. They actively practice the concept of green development, and get themselves out of poverty through green agriculture, rural tourism and e-commerce. They actively engage in international green cooperation, and work with women around the world to pursue a green recovery.
Helping every woman out of poverty and achieve development is the most fundamental human right. In recent years, the Chinese government has carried out biodiversity conservation projects to help women increase their incomes, improve their family and social status, and fully protect their ability and rights to access resources. In China, women account for about half of the nearly 100 million people out of poverty. China has also established training centers for women in 13 countries. These centers help women get equal opportunities in economic and social development and benefit from development on an equal footing.
Dear Colleagues,
At the 76th session of UN General Assembly, President Xi Jinping proposed a Global Development Initiative, calling on the international community to accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and achieve stronger, greener and healthier global development. In this process, women's voices must be heard. Women’s participation is indispensable, and women’s contributions are expected.
Today's world faces numerous global challenges. China and Europe are two major forces in maintaining world peace, two huge markets in promoting common development and two great civilizations in the world in promoting human progress. Both of us have the responsibility and ability to strengthen global cooperation. We should prioritize development and promote the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. We should work together to address climate change, preserve biodiversity, and make a success of the second part of COP15. We should enhance tripartite cooperation with developing countries to promote gender equality and women's empowerment.
China is willing to deepen cooperation with the EU and EU member states, to uphold the principles of the UN Charter, to safeguard multilateralism and to support the UN to make greater contributions in addressing global challenges.
Finally, I wish this event a great success.