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Statement by H.E. Ambassador Liu Zhenmin, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, at the 63rd Session of the UN General Assembly under the Item on HIV/AIDS

2009-06-17 07:06

New York, 16 June 2009

Mr. President,

The Chinese delegation has read carefully the report submitted by the Secretary General under this item and highly appreciates the efforts made by the UN in promoting the global common action to combat HIV/AIDS.

Mr. President,

Taking combating HIV/AIDS as a high priority, the Chinese government has placed it on its agenda of work as a strategic issue bearing on economic development, social stability, state security and the fate of our nation. We have set up the initial form of a mechanism for combating HIV/AIDS that suits the specific situation of China and achieved remarkable progress in combating HIV/AIDS. The government has formulated and implemented the policy of "four frees and one care", namely, free voluntary blood test; free antiretroviral treatment for urban and rural AIDS patients who have economic difficulties; free medical advice and treatment for pregnant women with HIV and their babies; free education for AIDS orphans and governmental care for AIDS patients who live in poverty, this with a view to achieving total accessibility of the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and the related caring services. We have intensified and expanded the comprehensive and integrated combat against HIV/AIDS in order to reduce new infections. We have further strengthened international exchanges and cooperation in this respect and worked to ensure that efforts to combat HIV/AIDS follow the law and scientific methods. China will continue to actively fulfill its international obligation, help other developing countries combat HIV/AIDS by providing assistance and technological support and will continue to take an active part in trans-national and trans-regional cooperation for combating HIV/AIDS.

Like many other developing countries, China faces the problems of uneven economic, social and cultural development among different regions, extremely limited per capita resources for the purpose of combating HIV/AIDS and that input in this respect falls far short of meeting the actual need. Therefore, we hope that the UN institutions take further actions to support the developing countries in their efforts to combat HIV/AIDS. I would like to stress the following two points regarding the future work of the relevant UN institutions:

First, continue to increase financial and technical support. In their endeavor to gradually implement the goal of universal accessibility to prevention, treatment and care and support, China's health infrastructure and service capacity have come up against formidable challenges. We hope that the UN institutions will provide more financial and technical support to help China address practical difficulties in combating HIV/AIDS such as the high cost of antiretroviral treatment and medicine shortage.

Second, strengthen coordination among international organizations. In order to guarantee the effective allocation of resources and orderly implementation of projects, we hope that the UN institutions utilize their advantages and influence to play a better coordinating role among various international organizations and facilitate the integration of projects of different international organizations within a certain recipient country. We also hope that in combating HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS reinforce coordination and cooperation with international organizations working in the fields of combating drugs and poverty eradication and focus input in priority areas.

Mr. President,

HIV/AIDS is the common enemy of mankind and defeating HIV/AIDS is our shared goal. We are willing to work together with the international community to explore and study strategies and measures for combating HIV/AIDS and effectively implement the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS so as to contribute to the global endeavor to effectively curb HIV/AIDS.

Thank you, Mr. President.

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