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Ambassador FU Cong, PR
Ambassador GENG Shuang, DPR
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Human Rights
Developing countries and friendly countries voice support for China’s just position and opposition to interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of human rights in the UN(2023-10-17)
Joint Statement on Unilateral Coercive Measures at the Third Committee of the General Assembly at its 78 session(2023-10-17)
The Overwhelming Majority of the United Nations Member States Oppose the Interference in China's Internal Affairs in the Name of Human Rights(2022-10-31)
Presentation by Dr. Li Xiaomei, Special Representative for Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China at the Side Event on the Negative Impact of UCMs(2022-10-12)
Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun on the Human Rights Day(2021-12-09)
62 countries made joint statement in support of China’s promotion and protection of human rights(2021-10-21)
China Elected to the Human Rights Council for 2021-2023(2020-10-13)
US Attempt to Smear China's Human Rights Record Failed Again(2020-10-06)
Statement by H.E.Ambassador Zhang Jun at the General Debate of the Third Committee of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly(2020-10-06)
Spokesperson of the Permanent Mission of China to the UN Resolutely Opposes Groundless Accusation by Human Rights Watch on China's Human Right Situation(2020-01-14)
Spokesperson's Response to Inquiry from The Economist(2019-12-06)
Explanatory Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the Chinese Delegation Before Voting on the Draft Resolution "Situation of human Rights in Myanmar" at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-11-16)
Explanatory Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the Chinese Delegation After the Adoption of the Draft Resolution "Situation of Human Rights in the Syrian Arab Republic" at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-11-14)
Explanatory Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the Chinese Delegation on the Draft Resolution "Situation of Human Rights the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-11-14)
Explanatory Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the Chinese Delegation Before the Adoption of the Draft Resolution "Human Rights Situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran" at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-11-14)
Explanatory Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun of the Chinese Delegation on Draft Resolution "Situation of Human Rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol, Ukraine" at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-11-14)
Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun at the General Debate on Agenda 67 Report of Human Rights Council at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-11-02)
Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun at the General Debate on Human Rights of the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-10-30)
Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun at the Dialogue with the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry on Burundi(2017-10-26)
Statement by Ms. QU Jiehao during the Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Eritrea(2017-10-26)
Statement by Ms. QU Jiehao during the Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Belarus(2017-10-26)
Statement by Ms. QU Jiehao during the Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders(2017-10-25)
Statement by Ms. QU Jiehao at the Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Myanmar at the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-10-25)
Statement by Ms. QU Jiehao during the Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran(2017-10-25)
Statement by Counsellor YAO Shaojun during the Interactive Dialogue with the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the Third Committee of the 72nd General Assembly(2017-10-16)
Statement by Ms. SHAO Wu of the Chinese Delegation on the Agenda Item "Implementation of Human Rights Instruments" during the Third Committee of the 72nd Session of the General Assembly(2017-10-13)
Statement by Ambassador WU Haitao at the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Appraisal of the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons(2017-09-28)
Statement by Counsellor Yao Shaojun at the High-level Meeting of the 68th Session of the General Assembly on the "Contribution of Human Rights and the Rule of Law to the Post-2015 Development Agenda"(2014-06-09)
Statement by Counselor Shaojun Yao of the Chinese Delegation at the Interactive Dialogue on the Asian Region at the 13th Session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues(2014-05-15)
Statement by the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 68th General Assembly on Report of the Human Rights Council(2013-11-13)
Statement by Ambassador Wang Min at the Third Committee of the 68th Session of the General Assembly on Human Rights (Agenda Item 69 b&c)(2013-10-31)
Statement by Ms. Li Xiaomei of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 68th Session of the GA under Item 69 a, d: Implementation of Human Rights Instruments(2013-10-23)
Statement by Ambassador Wang Min at the Third Committee of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on Human Rights(2012-11-08)
Statement by Ms. SHEN Siwei of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the 67th Session of the General Assembly on Agenda Item 67(a, b)& 68: the Elimination of Racism and Right of Peoples to Self-determination(2012-11-05)
Statement by Ms. LI Xiaomei of the Chinese Delegation at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly on Agenda Item 70(a): the Implementation of Human Rights Instruments(2012-10-23)